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Country Guide fires Tim Ball

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    If this is true I will be cancelling as well.

    Screw the CWB


      ..this political correctness action by the editors of CG is bullshit and they will pay with subsriptions....

      as for harper strikeout out bali....that is you opinion cp...but my feeling it is the right strategy....call a spade a spade....hard emmissions targets for only some and none for China and India, supposed developing countries, that will be allowed to churn out thier own toxic soup...this has nothing to do with a cleaner enviornment and everything to do about eco-radicals here and abroad attempting to bring about their own version of global economic policy and wealth redistribution....


        Canadians have 20 times(yes 20 times) the emissions of these countries and were telling them to cut?

        What about your coveted democratic theory you all throw around?A Hundred and some countries vote on something and three or four go the other way?

        I think toms scriptures mention the word "hypocrite".


          20 x on a per capita basis but when you figure we have what ?32 mil and they are a billion 2 each.
          If Canada did follow through with Kyoto what do you think that would do to land in Saskatchewan, wanna buy a house in cowtown for the payments?


            Cotton when it comes to the global warming holocaust you've got more "faith" than Tom.


              Tom's faith is more able to withstand scrutiny.

              Hypocrisy is telling everyone that CO2 is pollution, and it’s imperative for our survival that we act quickly to drastically curb emissions, and then actively encourage the increased production of it, but only in developing nations.

              Hypocrisy is telling all of us peons that we shouldn’t drive SUVs and then flying around the planet in your personal private jet,
              or telling everyone else that to turn the thermostat down and wear a sweater while living in a home that consumes 10X the national average of energy.


                CP, you say we emit more per capita? So? Who has the colder country? People who live in houses, not shantys? A more dynamic idustrial and mining economy? We as Canadians emit 2 whole per cent of co2 put out by the world. Considering our climate, why is it that low? Next question? Is co2 as effective a greenhouse gas as water vapour? Maybe we should curb h2o emmisions as well?


                  Great discussion. This forum, and this thread, are an example of how the mainstream media are increasingly becoming irrelevant, particularly when their objectivity and professionalism don’t measure up to a standard demanded by readers. Editors and publishers will either learn how to find and retain readers, or they will lose them. Now, more than ever, I believe the conventional mainstream media need to be aware of, attuned to, and show respect for their readership.

                  Actions like that taken by the editor of the Country Guide, will only hasten their fall.

                  As to the debate on climate change, I’ll place my trust in a scientist like Dr. Ball any day, before global warming capitalist Al Gore or entertainment diva Uma Thurman.

                  If you want to find the facts, go to a science site. No actresses involved here.


                  If you want entertainment, go here.



                    There are still some papers out there that allow alternate views and unpopular thesis such as Acres USA and maybe even the Stockman Grassfarmer


                      Framer mags and papers are simply infomercials for angribusiness, good for recycling only. When I want the reel news, I come to angriville, these guys/galls, really no where its at! The missinformation hwy is a good tool. Go to your provincial gag dept, see what they recommend, and then do the exact opposite, you'll be in the money each and every time, cause they are infomercial people now tooooooooo!


                        Well i really do hope you guys are right.

                        Chindia is just starting to ramp up their standard of living(which means more emmissions).

                        So seeing how were not going to worry about it i quess we cant tell them to worry about it.


                          Why don't you start worrying about something you can control. Like your spelling and punctuation.


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