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06-07 CWB Prices

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    06-07 CWB Prices


    Is this a dream (nightmare) or what!

    Feed Barley = $210/t port price

    2 Row Select Barley = $202/t!

    6 Row Select Barley = $188/t!

    The most insulting of all...

    1CWRS 12.5 = $208.86/t?!?!

    How can anyone in their right mind claim this CWB system provides a premium!

    Insanity = Doing the same thing over and over... yet expecting a different result...

    Give me a security blanky... I want to stay in bed and suck my thumby...

    We did better with PPO's in 06-07... but the CWB SURE FIXED OUR WAGON

    N O W !!!

    Charlie check the Average price a US farmer got for last year, Yea we got screwed again Thanks CWB for all your Help. A few more years of missing the Top price and we will all be owned by the Cargills etc. and working for them.



      Who do you think we W E R E / ARE working for?

      The tooth fairy...?


        Average US farm prices (wheat) can be found at:



          But if we could capture the real price for our product in a year like this and get to a point of No operating Debt guess what the farmer is in control he can pick when to sell product and where to buy product.
          Its control the old fashion way with real money.


            If we could ever attain the same prices as our US counterparts, we could get rid of all of our subsidies and handouts that the governments have past onto us over the years. I don't understand why PM Harper and AG Minister Ritz are not acting quickly on this whole issue to get rid of this useless, obsolete piece of crap called the CWB. I hate this organization!!


              Amen lesm. AMEN. Did I mention, AMEN?

              The cwb be screwed...


                It all takes time. Things are happening faster than we know. The first step has been taken. Get rid of those costly licences and bonds. If something goes wrong we don't want buyers or merchants to be liable.

                Just like when the fight was on to get rid of that God foresaken crow benefit. It seemed to take forever but it was finally gone. It has done wonders for the producers bottom line. The railways are now accountable, the service is out of this world and compatition prevails.

                Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen Brothers.




                  Do you see the ability of the US system to supply the needs of their customers... respond with the produce they need... and sweep their bins clean at record high prices?

                  Please tell me what is immoral and evil about what a Montana or North Dakota Grain Grower is being subjected to right now?



                    There is absolutly nothing to my knowledge, wrong with there system. I possably even envy them, to a point.

                    Much like I envy those who win the LOTO. But not so much that I would risk ALL I have to run out to buy a ticket.


                      Check the USDA average price vs the CWB and guess what they were close last Aug then they started to loose ground .50 by Christmas and from April to July the train fell off the Tracks. So did they provide favors for their usual Top paying customers (that's a Joke) or they felt a huge crop was coming (again great reporting By CWB Staff) so they blew out all we had in the bins for $1.40 less than the Market was giving US Farmers!
                      USDA CWB

                      4.17 4.14 August 06
                      4.16 4.06
                      4.52 4.30
                      4.49 4.30
                      4.49 4.25
                      4.54 4.25
                      4.73 4.25
                      4.74 4.33
                      4.85 4.33
                      4.97 4.33
                      5.18 4.33
                      5.44 4.19 July 07

                      Home much more incompetence do they have to do before all farmers realize that this useless organization is finished.


                        So the average is USDA $4.69 over the year. CWB $4.25 for the same time period. So by this comparison the CWB cost Canadian Farmers .44 cents a bushel on our HRS or our final should have been another $16.00 a tonne. So on Your farm how much did they cost you to have the CWB its easy math any one with a calculator can do it. Take your total production for 06 - 07 crop year that you sold and multiply it by .44 cents that's what a premium would have looked like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                          SF3, not sure if you took exchange rates into your calculations but the average was 1.13 for that time period. Could have bought a new 350 Ford diesel and blown it up and not been any worse off.



                            I would like to thank you for costing me $75,000 per year in extra freight costs, for supporting the removal of the crow rate and crow benefit.

                            It would appear that your not concerned about a farmers bottom line at all. Your plans to eliminate the CWB are no different and the impact will be no different. You want lower prices for farmers.



                              i can't beleive you still support the cwb....

                              they have been a joke these last two years. Even I converted a long, long, time ago...

                              let those who want to cwb join it in a voluntary pool...let those of us who want to particpate in the open market do so...


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