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Global Warming Poll

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    Remember this part in gores movie:

    "out of 900 and some peer reviewed studies not one disagreed,out of the same number of media coverage stories over half disagreed"

    Scientist only care about one thing-finding the truth.They dont let politics,religion,personal bias,folklore or anything else get in the way of the scientific process.

    Doctors do doctoring,plumbers do plumbing,electician do electricianing,farmers do farming,lawyers do nothing usefull,why cant you guys trust the scientists who studie this stuff day in and day out.


      A qualified A from me - it is hard to be sure all/how much is being caused by man.
      To dream that global warming may help us in this cold country by "warming things up a little" enough to maybe avoid August frosts is laughable. If you understand anything about the theories of the effect of global warming you would realise August frosts would actually be more likely, as would droughts, less snow in winter, monster rain events. A whole series of weather events that would bring great hardship to farmers in particular. But hell no, just stick with your flat earth theories - fire up the dually and convince yourselves it's not happening. Just don't go driving out on the "steadily thickening polar ice"!!



        The other thing about scientists is they have a hard time saying "I don't know" They prefer to invent a theory that supports what is happening in the world around them.

        I guess it would be ignorant of me to rule out man as a factor.

        However I also think scientists don't understand what drives the natural temperature changes over time. They are working off a couple thousand years of data AT BEST. We live on a planet that is billions of years old.

        It wasn't long ago in terms of the earths lifespan that most of manitoba was covered by lake aggazzi.

        Man surely didn't cause those changes!

        The problem in developed countries is that we believe we can control everything. We won't stop climate change no matter what we do the focus should be on adapting to it.


          CP go to the website http://www.smalldeadanimals.com/ and check out some real information about the politics of global warming and the suppression of opposing views.

          For example: An open letter to the Secretary General of the UN;

          The IPCC Summaries for Policy Makers are the most widely read IPCC reports amongst politicians and non-scientists and are the basis for most climate change policy formulation. Yet these Summaries are prepared by a relatively small core writing team with the final drafts approved line-by-line by ­government ­representatives. The great ­majority of IPCC contributors and ­reviewers, and the tens of thousands of other scientists who are qualified to comment on these matters, are not involved in the preparation of these documents. The summaries therefore cannot properly be represented as a consensus view among experts.


          In stark contrast to the often repeated assertion that the science of climate change is "settled," significant new peer-reviewed research has cast even more doubt on the hypothesis of dangerous human-caused global warming. But because IPCC working groups were generally instructed (see http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/docs/wg1_timetable_2006-08-14.pdf) to consider work published only through May, 2005, these important findings are not included in their reports; i.e., the IPCC assessment reports are already materially outdated.

          Signed by over 100 independent scientists, engineers and economists who work in the field of climate change.


            I vote d the letter after c


              geez, the ice cap may be shrinking in the North, but growing at a fast pace in the Antarctic.....my farm used to be covered by an ocean, and at another time covered by ice....to say that those that question the political, environmental, and science based theories of those that promote the implementation of Kyoto, and that the actions of man at this moment of the known world's history are contributing to the suggested global warming that is occurring belong to some sort of flat earth society stifles any intelligent debate...

              ..which seems to be lacking given that in Bali legitimate debate of the science of the global warming, by capable scientists was stifled.....shut down....


                If you got to www.climateaudit.org and look for a link on the left side "Surface Record" it has some nice photos of alot of the surface temperature stations, which are ironically, usually in the middle of a asphalt parking lot, next to a/c exhaust etc etc.
                One big question i have is whether temperature follows co2 or does co2 follow temperature. Even if you use the "hockey stick" graph that the Goracle uses in his movie. Temp and co2 are almost side by side on that graph, what if he just bumped the co2 graph over a couple 100 years? Suddenly we have co2 causing temp increases.



                  I'm having a hard time understanding your poll because you included 3 questions.

                  It's much too confusing for me!


                    oops, I should have said ...it included 3 OPTIONS.

                    sorry for the confusion of my confusion.


                      I know of plenty of Doctors, plumbers, electricians, farmers, and lawyers who have screwed up in their time. What makes you think Al Gore and his merry band of government paid scientists are made of finer clay?

                      It doesn't take a heck of a lot of digging to see they are not following the scientific method and throwing all the contradictory evidence out the window. Its the kind of research that would make Richard Gray proud.

                      Ten years from now there will still be people sipping margaritas along all of the same coastlines as they are today. Some of them will be talking about how many nitwits bought into this boogie woogie. Just like the few today who still remember the whole Y2K non event.


                        The answer is 42


                          If you want to find the facts, go to a science site. Without wannabe politician or blond actress involvement.

                          For science and scientists:


                          For entertainment and the glittering class:



                            Yasser Arafat also won the peace prize


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