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The long and short of progress

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    >>Not surprisingly, then, Americans produce much larger carbon emissions - roughly 20 tons on average per person, compared to only nine in the Netherlands or just under six in Sweden. (And in this area, Canadians are much closer to Americans, producing almost 18 tons per person.) <<

    What if we look at this a little differently, like compare carbon emissions on a land mass basis?


      Vader made a funny! HA, Ha, haaa....?


        my theory on the differance in height.
        after my somewhat limited travels,from mexico (where you can feel like a giant at 6 ft)
        the usa where their is a lot of shorter people.
        home the standard

        to going to a wedding dance 70 miles north of prince albert.
        where i could have sworn 85 % of
        the 60 or so young women were 6 ft. tall.

        the answer is latitude in combination with diet

        maybe the brits are shorter than the rest of northern europe, because they eat crap.


          is there less gravity , closer to the axis of rotation. nearer the poles.

          But then again you would think, there would be greater centrifical force at the equater.
          do people get taller as you move
          from the equater to the south pole.


            Height of Honesty - A pregnant woman asking the bus conductor for one & a half ticket.

            Height of Confusion - Two earthworms making love in a bowl of noodles.

            Height of Foolishness - A guy peeping thru' the keyhole of a glass door.

            Height of Noise - Two skeletons making love on a tin roof.

            Height of Competition:
            A guy peeing beside a waterfall.(Reminds one of the CWB's marketing and PR departments now doesn't it.)


              Was my premise correct? I'll write it to reverse the meaning this time:

              "As a tall Canadian-male candidate, arrange a candidacy-meeting for women in your constituency, wear a good suit, but also invite some 3 foot tall Americans to sit in the front row.

              Yup...Mr. Tall would NOT be lookin' good."

              Note what I have assumed.

              The question is...

              Do men prefer tall women or short women?

              Do women prefer tall men or short men?

              I'll bet the answer varies, depending upon which country you live in! Oh.... diversity is so all-encompassing and complicated.

              What are Canadian Agri-viller preferences?




                The obvious:

                1.) What kind of a "Heart" do they have... loving, honest, and sincere?

                2.) What kind of a "Soul" do they have... humble, forgiving, and helpful?

                3.) What kind of a "Spirit" do they have... graceful, creative, and truthful?

                We reap what we sow.

                Is our word trustworthy and true?

                Some one is always watching!


                  Interestingly, Linda McQuaig never refers to any difference in diet between countries. Many, many studies have shown that height, body form and longevity are all influenced by what you eat. And I think we all know that the American (and Canadian) diets have gone into the crapper in the last couple of generations. (Anyone see "Supersize Me"?)


                    I thought the zulus of africa were the tallest.

                    I think darwin's theory of evolution would trump most arguements.


                      That's right - it's called survival of the fittest; not survival of the liberalest.


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