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CWB Day at Crop Production Week Saskatoon

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    CWB Day at Crop Production Week Saskatoon

    I had the fact the CWB will presenting on the new Cashplus Malt Barley program at Crop production days, Saskatoon (Friday January 11, Ballroom B".


    People from all sides of the debate will be in attendance and able to answer questions.

    Agenda below.

    Canadian Wheat Board Day
    Location: Ballroom B, Saskatoon Inn

    Friday, January 11, 2008 8:30 a.m. Registration and Coffee
    9:00 a.m. Opening Remarks
    Ken Ritter, Chairman of the CWB Board of Directors
    9:10 a.m. Agronomy Update, New Varieties, and KVD Developments
    Mike Grenier, Agronomist, CWB
    10:00 a.m. Break
    10:30 a.m. Understanding Basis Contracts
    Patrick Weatherald, Farm Business Representative, CWB

    11:15 a.m. Transportation Update
    Rick Steinke, Director of Logistics, CWB
    12:00 p.m. Lunch
    1:00 p.m. CWB Weather Network Initiative and Weather Outlook
    Guy Ash, Weather Analyst, Weather and Crop Surveillance, CWB
    1:45 p.m. Malting Barley Cash Buying Program
    Michael Brophy, Senior Program Manager, Product Development and Marketing Support, CWB
    2:30 p.m. Market Outlook for 2008
    Bruce Burnett, Director of Weather and Market Analysis, CWB
    3:15 p.m. Wrap Up
    3:20 p.m. Coffee with CWB Staff and Directors

    I will be interested in comments by those who attend. It will be nice to comment on the program when all details are available versus the hodge podge of information that is out there now both directly and in brown paper informally.


      I plan to attend if I am finished hauling grain.
      Hopefully more farmers show up than last year.
      I have a hunch the malt program is going to be complicated and farmers will not understand it. If that is the case a farmer should stand up and admit that he does not get it and it is all too complicated.


        50,000 CWB farmers may each pay 1 cent for a Director's per diem to campaign for the federal Liberal party.

        Where is the line with conflict of interest?

        Who is he responsible to?


        Your riding is currently not held by a Liberal Member of Parliament. Here are five ways you can help the Liberal team win back your riding today.

        1. Join the Liberal Party and help us make Canada a better place.
        2. Become a volunteer and create change in your own neighborhood.
        3. Make a donation to help us fund our next election campaign.
        4. Spread the word about the Liberal vision for Canada with your friends and neighbours.
        5. Stay informed — sign up for Liberal e-news and learn more about what the Liberal team is doing for you.

        If one attends the meeting in Saskatoon, and takes the per diem, all farmers just contributed to the Liberal party satisfying #3.

        I'm sure the CWB can spin this one - and you those that drink the Kool-aid will buy it - Jimmy Swaggert style.

        Of course the honourable thing is to not take the money or even show up.

        When is the right time to resign? When the election is called? Does a campaign start that day or has it started every time the candidate is in the public?

        The Board of Directors have answered these questions already.

        Who really controls the CWB?


          Don't know if you could become more informed or not, incognito, at the 10:30 a.m. Understanding Basis Contracts session overseen by Patrick Weatherald, Farm Business Representative, CWB. Maybe you just need to ask the right questions.

          His dad was once a Liberal MLA in Saskatchewan.



            SKFMR3.....you going to this ??????Or just going to whine from here?????????877-554-2106


              No kidding Ill be their I work for two days and then have one off. Then Brandon Manitoba the next week, Then Mexico for Three weeks.


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