Saskfarmer I hope you stay. Maybe we can create a new country for Stubblejumper called CWB land and move him there. The only reason the farmers thought the CWB made money in the early years was because the Federal Gov't made unpressidented payments to cover their shortfalls under the initial. The CWB got money flowing from Attawa, Do you consider receiving gov't handouts good business?
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You talk about letting 86% of producers being left alone to do what they want with their business. What don't you understand about 62% of farmers wanting the right to sell their barley to their buyer of choice. Or did you not understand the question presented. Those that voted option #2 to give those individuals the choice of a voluntary chronic wasting board,including myself (not a volunary single desk-a complete contradiction of terms- like you spin doctors choose to call it) have long since lost any patience and will not make the mistake of having their voice for change manipulated and spun in cirles again. Lets have another vote but this time include wheat and durum and let the chips fall where they may. Should the CWB have a monopoly on wheat,durum and barley sales, Yes or No
I don't think it would be a stretch to say that the numbers supporting marketing choice would be sinificantly higher.
Saskboytree, If what I posted doesn't work for you, lets all get together and give out a collective whine and snivel, that will change gag forever. As for your comment about the CWB never/ever/ever/ making any money for Comedian Framers. think again old man, if it wasn't for your mam and papa working hard and being taken advantage of in the past by the CWB, you wouldn't have the big spread, you are sitting on today! Or did you just borrow it all and get as big as you did, all bye yoursef!
To Burbert, Stubblejumper and Wilagro. My only reason for voting for option 2(62% of the farmers voted for) was to give you guys the right to keep your beloved CWB. Personally, I detest this stinking organization. I don't think you people have any right to force your socialistic ideas upon any nonbelievers. You keep what you think is good for you and let me opt out to pursue my own fortunes. I promise to sign a lifetime contract to never ever belong to your treasured CWB.
Burp fart my father gave me (one) clear quarter when I turned 18 and said go for it if you loose it your problem and your not getting any more. But you have a asset to borrow against to start farming. The rest I did on my own.
The CWB has not been their for me once since 1980. They have taken and taken and taken. Its time to let a real vote (YES OR NO) be taken and those CWB supporters might get their eyes opened for once. Most farmers WANT OUT> Hell my 80 year old father even feels this organization does not work.
I am with you on this one sf3, nothing stopping the socialists from starting their own collective if they so desire, there is lots of them stoppin us, the 20% that produce the 80% of production from excercising our own right to sell our own production to whomever we please.....
...screw the CWB
I for one am getting totally tired of a minority, yes Minority of farmers holding back a majority of farmers. Politicians its a majority holding back a minority.
Its simple let us have a vote YES or NO then when the yes wins still give the No the option of staying with the CWB if they want' Massive layoffs will be the norm at the CWB but they will find jobs if their qualified because agriculture is growing right now.
Ken Ritter can run for his beloved Liberals. And Most of us farmers will finally be free.
What a Plan
Mr. Ritz and Mr. Anderson had the option of having only 2 options YES or NO and the screwed it up. Sometime in the future there will be a vote with only 2 options but in the meantime we producers have spent alot of money both for the yes and no side. The only winners are the lawyers working on the court cases that could have been avoided by having only 2 options in the first place.
Would the results be any different then 62% plus who already voted for a choice other than the CWB? Or would the communist spin doctors at the board find a way to to spin, minipulate and deny those results as well. If the majority of directors were accountable they would have acted on their own survey findings years ago and given the majority of farmers the freedom they want and deserve.
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