When is the Barley case coming up?, It's now crop week in Saskatchewan and cropping intentions are being finalized. When will the courts hear the Barley Case and how long will it take?
Western barley producers voted overwhelmingly in the spring plebiscite to have the right to market barley outside the Canadian Wheat Board
- The provincial governments of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan (which together represent almost 100% of malt barley growers and 90% of Western Canada's total barley production) now support marketing choice for all types of barley
- Malting Industry Association of Canada (MIAC) has called upon the federal government to move forward with total barley deregulation by August 1, 2008.
- The Western Grain Elevator Association has called for the end of the barley monopoly
- The federal government said in the throne speech we were going to get market choice.
But here we are, almost a year after the plebiscite and nothing has been done!
Why isn't anything happening?
Western barley producers voted overwhelmingly in the spring plebiscite to have the right to market barley outside the Canadian Wheat Board
- The provincial governments of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan (which together represent almost 100% of malt barley growers and 90% of Western Canada's total barley production) now support marketing choice for all types of barley
- Malting Industry Association of Canada (MIAC) has called upon the federal government to move forward with total barley deregulation by August 1, 2008.
- The Western Grain Elevator Association has called for the end of the barley monopoly
- The federal government said in the throne speech we were going to get market choice.
But here we are, almost a year after the plebiscite and nothing has been done!
Why isn't anything happening?