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Grain Growers of Canada, on BARLEY and CWB

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    Grain Growers of Canada, on BARLEY and CWB

    Grain Growers of Canada Demand Open Dialogue on Barley Marketing

    Friday, January 18, 2008 (Ottawa) Ross Ravelli, President of the Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) today dismissed the Canadian Wheat Board’s (CWB) assertion that producer groups widely support the CWB’s proposed malt barley marketing program, and called on the CWB to put forward a solution that would address the concerns of producers, malting companies and grain handlers.

    “The reality is there are no new ideas in their CashPlus program and producers will still be forced to market through the Wheat Board,” said Ravelli. “Within our broad based farm organization membership, there is not one group that approves of CWB’s idea for malt barley marketing.”

    “Barley growers across Western Canada clearly voted for choice, but the CWB continues to refuse to listen to the very farmers it purports to represent. Therefore, while we are encouraged that the CWB is coming to Ottawa on January 29th, we demand that it comes prepared to roll up its sleeves and work cooperatively with producer groups, maltsters, grain handlers and the Minister to come up with a workable solution to the current crisis.”

    The Canadian Wheat Board recently announced a new program called CashPlus that unfortunately has only succeeded in, for the first time, uniting the entire malt barley value chain in opposition.

    “Farmers want choice, but is the answer a domestic market? A continental market? A world wide market? I don’t know the exact answer, but we are out of time to play games and need to reach a real solution or any further investments in malting capacity will be made in other countries, leaving us as residual suppliers of raw product,” said Ravelli.

    “What is important is that people come to the malt industry meeting on January 29th with a clean slate and the best interests of both farmers and our industry in mind.”

    The Grain Growers of Canada represent approximately 70,000 Canadian farmers through its Member organizations. www.ggc-pgc.ca

    For more information please contact:

    Ross Ravelli Richard Phillips

    President Executive Director

    250-784-5410 613-875-1795

    GGC don't directly represent any farmers.


      Neither does the CWB. Many farmers have quota books because they grow milling wheat and malt barley.

      The CFA supposedly represents 200.000 farm families. The CWB is a member, so because I have a qouta book with the Board, I am a member. I don't agree with anything they represent, least of all their support for the CWB.


        I assume you will say that the CFA or NFU is a more representative voice of prairie farmers AS?


          Any group that has direct paid members, who farm, are more reflective of opinion , even the Wheat Growers.



            I would encourage you at some point to address the merits of the CashPlus program (if there are any).

            For the purposes of the January 29 meeting, what is the likely outcome if there is general agreement among the industry as to a direction for change? Could be open market but could also be the CWB offering out the CashPlus program at 95% of the actual CWB/maltster price for the volume that is being contracted for. This compares with the CWB CashPlus generated price which will have no reference point to anything except the CWB's need to manage pool risk/keep their butts covered.



              Would that include the CWB.

              Mention those thoughts to your fellow Board members.



                Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do children of man as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing! [Helen Keller]

                Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not the absence of fear.[Mark Twain]



                  CWB today says growers could get $6.50/bushel from the CWB under the Cash Plus program. Last week it was only $5. How much more is the Board holding back from malt barley growers?


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