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Things to Watch This Week

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    Things to Watch This Week

    What factors will you be following this week that will impact your marketing strategy?

    I will be watching the equity markets and the US governments attempts to get their economy back on track. Interest rates coming as a stimulus to the economy?

    Here are some quotes on barley from this week's farm and ranch guide.


    Quote: "Barley markets continue to surge upward

    By DALE HILDEBRANT, Farm & Ranch Guide
    Thursday, January 17, 2008 5:19 PM CST

    Buoyed by the lack of movement and steady demand, prices for both feed and malting barley classes continued their upward trend, with malting barley topping the $6 figure at several elevators and feed barley prices in excess of $5.50 on several elevator price boards." End quote.

    Quote: "Brag also noted that new crop contracts for feed barley for the elevators are now coming out in the $4.75 to $4.80 range, which would translate into a $4.50 bid for farmers, when just a few weeks ago the elevator bids were in the $4.25 area. And some of the offerings for new crop malting barley have been over $6 according to Brag." End quote.


      Alls i can say is o my god,can you believe what is happening at this very moment?


        This week will be remembered forever!


          Buying opportunity? or wait for lower prices?


            Advice extreme caution in trading this market. Not for the faint of heart or thin wallets. Last weeks limit up and limit down the same day is a good indication of what is coming this spring.

            My focus would be on getting the 2007 crop converted into cash. Given what we know today, would be a little slower new crop but that has to be placed in the context of a farm's market/financial plan.


              There is a lot more bottom to come i think.

              I cant wait to see where all this money is going to go.


                I don't think it's a given that all the equity money is going to flow into commodities, especially ag. It might, but it's certainly not a sure thing. I would be interested to see some history about how the money flowed when the stock market has melted down in the past. I'm guessing a bunch went into gold, but don't know for sure.


                  Dow futures down 500 points.

                  Its going to be a late night.


                    Canola down


                      I think the very short term is going to be bad for grains.

                      The race to cash is on,then depending on the liquidity that is pumped in, we should be o.k.

                      We being us farmers,alot of people have just lost alot of wealth.Pension funds,home owners and lots of other people are going to be facing some HARSH realities.

                      People should remember all of this is happening after bush announced a 150 billion bailout.

                      Trading will probably be halted tommorow.

                      Hopefully it is not a global financial implosion.


                        Gold is flying, doing what it should. Cotton, is a double too much to expect?


                          Alot of good analysts say it will.

                          I think there are lots of other things that will double before it,but who knows.

                          Looks like the emergency rate cut is going to work in the short term to stabilize the markets,but the dollar is going down hard.Which is great for commodities.The next couple of weeks should be fun to watch.


                            Spring wheat is up 22 cents with a total swing of 53 cents!


                              Another thought,the tsx is kicken ass and the dow is still down which means commodity bull ride is firmly intact!


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