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Pecuniary Benefit...What the hell is it?

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    So now we know the pecuniary benefit is a NATIONAL TARIFF tariff that has to be paid to the Wheaat Board.

    (b) the applicant pays to the Corporation a sum of money that, in the opinion of the Corporation, represents the pecuniary benefit
    enuring to the applicant pursuant to the granting of the licence

    enuring to the applicant......

    Dictionary says inure means
    To have or take effect; to be applied
    Also spelled enure

    SO the pecuniary benefit/tariff is to be applied to the applicant... Yup.

    northfarmer can be the applicant, for example. And he pays the tariff to the Wheat Board as soon as he gets the license.

    Now, one question you should ask is this.....When it comes to national tariffs, which collect monies from all across the nation,where is that money SUPPOSED to sent? The CWB collects it, but where is it supposed to end up?

    Think about the gun registry money. Should a collection agency keep it?Should only Labrador stash the cash?

    National Tariffs for automobiles?
    National Tariffs for lumber?
    National Tariffs for machinery?
    Where should it be deposited?

    Legally, that is.....?

    It is supposed to go to the Revenue consolidated fund. Federal tarrifs must be forwarded to the Federal Government by the Collection agency.

    Uh huh.

    Anybody see something the matter with this picture?

    Guess who forgot to remit the tariffs?


    I am no longer allowed to say names.


    But we, know, don't we. Yup. We know.



      I had to re-write this for you, and it has been revised to accomodate the faint of heart.

      Slavery in the village can stop when we take the time to read the fine print.

      The CWB decided NOT to bite a hunk of cash out of .......whom?

      Well lookie, lookie

      1. All seed growers. They apply to the CWB, and are automatically given a license that remains in effect. NO pecuniary benefit is collected from them! They pass go and pocket the "pecuniary benefit". Hmmm.

      2. Any farmer in Canada outside the Designated Area, DO NOT PAY A PECUNIARY BENEFIT into the pooling accounts.

      Every Eastern farmer banks that PB they don't pay. No wonder a certain MP squawks. Can you imagine what Ontario and Quebec farmers would tell the Wheat Board if Easterners were told a big tall tale about capturing a "peculiarly benefit " from them?

      3. Feed mills in Canada buying millions and millions of bushels of feed wheat and barley do not pay one red cent of pecuniary benefit to the CWB pooling acc****s.

      Just naming a few, so you get the point.

      So tell me this, Agri-villers:

      Citizen X from the Wheat Boaard told this to Allan Dawson and I'm quoting it from a public newspaper:

      "...the act also compels the CWB to capture the pecuniary benefit..."

      Does "X" mean the CWB breaks the law when they don't capture the benefit from Eastern farmers?

      Does that mena the CWB breaks the law when they don't capture the benefit
      from feed mills?

      Does that mean the CWB breaks the law when they don't capture the benefit from seed growers?

      And then, the CWB's " Representative X" states in a public newspaper:

      "The act is pretty clear in that regard."



      Either it's a falsehood,
      or else

      the CWB is breaking the law,

      or else
      Allan Dawson's reporting is false/incorrect.

      Which is it?



      I find Allan Dawson measured in his words he quotes, and I like him, although I do not regularly agree with him. LOL


        Please read joedale's post, particularily the parts about monopolizing discussion and personal attacks.


          (b) the applicant pays to the Corporation a sum of money that, in the opinion of the Corporation, represents the pecuniary benefit enuring to the applicant pursuant to the granting of the licence, arising solely by reason of the prohibition of the export of that grain or those products without a licence,

          soley means ONLY ONE reason

          So on what can the CWB slap the tariff on you and you have to pay? Your seed barley? The oat chop you feed to your cows? What about flax? Or beans? What about if you have the license, do you still pay the tariff?

          Look again...

          "arising solely by reason of the prohibition of the export of that grain or those products without a licence,"

          It says above, you pay a pecuniary benefit/national tariff for ONLY ONLY:

          1 Wheat or barley/their products.(they could add soybeans and take out barley!) being exported without a license.

          2. In other words, if you have a license, you don't pay a tariff.

          3. A feed mill gets a license, and skips away without paying a tariff.

          4. Don't you ever wonder who gets licenses,er... quietly. No tariff. $0.00 lotta cash saved that way.


          Wait...there is more


            This isn't monopolization of discussion, agstar.

            This is a litany of discussional literature.

            I would like to politely suggest that you move to a less offensive thread and I got that idea from CWB staff who repeatedly told farmers in the Designated Area to move to the United States if they don't like the Canadian Wheat Board.

            My suggestion is made respectfully, of course.



              Here is the 14 (b) in its' entirety.

              I will comment on the last phrase of it.

              A very important phrase.

              b) the applicant pays to the Corporation a sum of money that, in the opinion of the Corporation, represents the pecuniary benefit enuring to the applicant pursuant to the granting of the licence, arising solely by reason of the prohibition of the export of that grain or those products without a licence, and the then existing differences between the prices of that grain or those products inside and outside Canada.

              "and the then existing differences between the prices of that grain or those products inside and outside Canada."

              Examine this phrase.

              What is the price of grain inside Canada?
              What is the price of grain outside Canada?

              Has it always been the same?

              The world price and the price inside Canada were different for years and years.

              The Canadian Government set the price of wheat inside Canada for years.

              If you wanted to export, EVERYONE, including Eastern Canada,mills, or farmers, has to pay the difference between the price inside and outside Canada.

              If the World price of wheat in Minneapolis was $6.00, and the Government of Canada set the price of wheat inside Canda at $4.00, EVERY SINGLE Bloody EXPORTER had to pay a $2.00 national tariff.

              The CWB collected the tarrif/pecuniary benefit/money/tax and then sent it to the Federal Government.

              The Federal Government deposited the money in the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

              For years, this occured.

              The CWB system guaranteed the Government being able to supply cheap $3.00 grain to the flour mills.

              The CWB system allowed the Federal Government to prevent farmers from exporting their grain to get high world prices, leaving the mills to have to pay higher prices.

              So what happened?

              Who pays tariffs now?
              How much?

              One more posting, agstar. I am so regretful if I have offended your sensibilities.



                Awesome stuff. Great reading.

                Too bad our conservative government doesn't have anyone who could follow this line of questioning/logic.

                Poor AS having to read about how the beloved board wreaks havoc in the designated area. Need a tissue? Maybe you should file a complaint with the human rights about your hurt feelings in having to read this thread.

                Is the truth starting to sting?


                  So 14(b) means

                  Every last applicant has to pay a national tariff on ONLY wheat and barley being exported,if it 's unlicensed, and the tariff isn't a percentage of the load of grain, or an arbitrary figure conjured up by the CWB staff, or a figure set by the MInister himself. The amount of the tariff is the difference between the World price and the price of grain inside Canada.


                  the Formula Parliament perscribed is this:

                  World price - Domestic Price = Tariff.

                  The problem the CWB has is this:

                  Since NAFTA came on


                  The Domestic price can not be set different from the World Price.

                  Oh Oh.

                  The CWB incorporated NAFTA into the CWB Act.

                  Oh Oh.

                  So the national tariff/pecuniary benefit/fee/tax is this:

                  $6.00 World Price - $6.00 Inside Canada Price = $0.00 Tariff/pecuniary benefit/tax/fee/.

                  The CWB cannot legally charge a fee.

                  And they bloody know it




                    Necessity is the Mother of Invention, so the CWB will pull any number out of a hat and tell Western farmers it is

                    a required sum
                    a mandatory fee
                    a legal buyback
                    a PDF
                    an fnPD
                    a glochenspilterflinktah

                    Anything they can get away with.

                    In the act, you are required to pay the difference between the pricce inside and outside Canada. Period.

                    Keep your money, and stuff some of it into Mamma's purse.

                    If you don't look after it, someone else will be eager to spend it.




                      To get a license, all you need to pay is the difference between the price inside and outside Canada.

                      But the CWB refuses licenses to ALL Westerners.

                      Flatly refuses them.

                      This is why we need a Minister who knows how to give an order. He must order the Board to issue license to farmers.

                      If the CWB claim they cannot legally do so, then the Minister must then order the CWB to quit issuing licenses to all feed mills. After all, it would be illegal, right?


                        What would you do/say if:

                        1. Elections Canada,a national entity, refused ballots to all voters in the Peace River area?

                        2. Firearms Registrar, a national entity, refused gun licenses to all applicants in the Dauphin, Manitoba area?

                        3.Canada Pension, a national pension entity refused to send cheques to only the seniors in Lac St Jean, PQ?

                        4.Canadian Wheat Baord, a national wheat and barley licensing entity, refused to grant licenses to only Prairie farmers?

                        You'd think there would be at least one politician who could understand the issue. They seem to be obsessed with everyones' rights EXCEPT the rights of Prairie farmers.



                          Now here's the real dope:

                          Once your license is denied.

                          You can eat the grain

                          or sell it to the Board.

                          Once it's sold to the Board, or offered, it enters, or call it funneled, into Part III Marketing.

                          Once it is sold to the Board, they can burn it. Or the CWB can landfill it. Or the CWB can sell it to Mongolia. Or they can sell it to China. Or they can sell it to you.Or refuse to sell it to you.

                          If you buy it....

                          after you sold it...

                          then you bought it back from the Board.

                          That's legal.
                          It's called a Part III Buyback

                          If you sell it and buy it back in Part III, it is considered Marketing. I want nothing to do with CWB Marketing.

                          Grain on the farm that is NOT offered is never part of Marketing by the CWB.

                          I want a license from Part IV for my unoffered grain, and then it never enters Part III Marketing.

                          Part III Marketing is regional

                          Part IV Licensing is National.


                          Agstar knows this well, don't you agstar?


                            Now if I was the CWB and I outright told farmers I was denying Westerners only, their licenses, I'd expect some flack.

                            The problem is, if the Board grants the license, what grain would go into the pool accounts? Who would be so er...bold? Agstar's grain, yes, yes.

                            So the Board needs to get the grain to flow into Part III Marketing, without looking like like the Board is practicing discrimination.

                            The Board knows the LEGAL requirement to get a licence is the payment of the difference between the price inside and outside Canada which is currently $0.00.

                            So if I work for the Board,the best public relations I can do is to "pretend" that Part IV Licensing requires you to pay a sum that is hokey pokey. They tell you that the buyback is tucked away in Part IV.

                            It aint, boys. And you bought it. Hook,line and sinker.

                            Oh..idea...The Board could get the Feds to resign from NAFTA, get the Feds to set the price of grain inside Canada at $2.00, and with the world price at $13.00, the Government could stash $11.00 per bushel into their coffers.

                            (Don't trust them either. They might.)

                            I thought I'd share these thoughts in case I die with them.



                              Keep it comming pars! Crack open pandoras box once and for all!


                                46(d)in the Act mirrors Regulation 14(b).

                                Parsley says this:

                                The national pecuniary benefit/tariff payable in Part IV Marketing is described in 46(d)/14(b). The Pecuniary benefit/tariff is calculated from the difference between the price inside and outside Canada, and is presently $0.00. The price inside and outside Canda has to be the same because the CWB incorporated NAFTA into the CWB Act.

                                The CWB claims this:

                                The pecuniary benefit payable in Part IV Marketing is only regional and is described in 46(d)/14(b).

                                The CWB states, that 46(d)/14(b) is a buyback/PDF/pecuniary benefit. They claim the buyback is based upon the difference between the World price and the CWB's initial price in the DA. The amount presently collected is whatever the CWB wants it to be.

                                And nobody argues with them!

                                Look at how legally stupid their stance is:

                                A. Because the "pecuniary" is in the NATIONAL part of the Act, the so-called buyback would have to apply to all applicants across Canada.Right?

                                Nationally. Ontario farmers would be legally required to do a buyback. Good luck. Duh. And the money from Ontario buybacks would go into Western pooling accounts. Duh.

                                2. It would mean that the CWB has officially appointed the CWB's INITIAL price as representing the "price inside Canada". Duh. (Wonder if they told Ontario that?) The price inside Canada is NOT the initial price. The price inside Canada, says NAFTA, has to be the world price.

                                3. Whatever happened to the legislators' wishes who wrote the Act? The CWB discards respect for them like used tissue.

                                4. Whatever happened to stopping sending national tax money to Ottawa, instead depositing it in Western pools? Doesn't the Minister know what the Act demands?

                                5. What has happened to the courts, who sat back and allowed many famers to be denied licenses, all the time, by the CWB, and then be jailed for not having a license? No judges would allow mass licensing denials to happen to any other group of people. What kind of judges are being appointed? Where the hell is the Human Rights Commission when you need them?

                                Enough chatter for 10 minutes. Hope I haven't monopolized this thread too much.(grin)



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