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Pecuniary Benefit...What the hell is it?

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    Tidbit for your bedtime mindflashing:

    You recall how 46(d)/14(b) specified:

    "export of that grain or those products"


    Focus on the word products.

    Parsley says the Government/CWB would be able to collect a national tariff/pecuniary benefit on the products of wht/bly. There would be statistics to compare the prices inside Canada with the world price.

    pearled barley

    But the CWB claims 46/14 is a regional buyback.

    So how could they possibly collect the difference between the World price and the initial price in the designated area of PRODUCTS?Duh. It's what the CWB claim, not me!

    I've never seen the CWB's DA Initial price of Products' Listing! Duh. Have you? What's the initial price of malt?(not malt barley. Malt is a product)Duh.

    Ask the Directors: What is the intial price of flour in Elie, Manitoba? Duh.

    The CWB doesn't even sell flour!

    Farmer run? Farmers need to distance themselves from that jingle..Farmer run. Otherwise, farmers are going to look like 81 IQ'ers.



      And if 46/14 is indeed the buyback, as the CWB claim it is, Robin Hood Flour Mills in Ontario would have to do a buyback on flour. After all 46/14 is in the National part of the Act!

      Jeepers, tell that to Robin Hood's marketing team...that they would have to pay a fee based upon the difference between the World Price of flour and the initial price of flour in the DA because the CWB says .

      Then tell him that pecuniary benefit he just paid, that the CWB insist is a buyback, has to be deposited in Western Pooling accounts.



      MP's quivering

      CWB slinking

      Stress leave bonuses

      Damages paid to all of the above.
      Uh huh.


      The problem is this....the CWB tell you 46/14 is a buyback, but they don't mean it. They know it isn't. They just tell farmers it is. And farmers believe them. And don't argue. And keep paying the conjured buyback. And don't watch their money sliding into silk purses.


        Let's get ridiculous:

        The CWB legislation always demanded an import tariff be extracted as well as the export tariff. (A decade or so ago, the import tarrif requirement was rescinded.)

        Parsley could collect a tariff on imports based upon the difference between the price inside and outside Canada.

        So how the hell would the CWB collect that pecuniary benefit doing a buyback on imports, that they claim 46/14 describes?

        How can an importer of pearled barley in Montreal calculate the difference between the world price of pearled barley and the initial price of pearled barley in the DA? And send the pecuniary benefit to the DA pooling accounts?

        I do not reason as does a paramecium.




          Money always gets attention.

          The CWB require producers to do a buyback/PDF for both EXPORT and for DOMESTIC sales of wheat used for food.

          But if furrowtickler wants to ship a load of wheat to a flour mill in Ontario, the CWB requires him to do a buyback.

          But the Act says furrowtickler doesn't have to pay an interprovincial fee. They say no fee shall be charged:

          "14.1 The Corporation may grant a licence for the transportation from one province to another, or for the sale or delivery anywhere in Canada of wheat, wheat products, barley or barley products, but no fee shall be charged for such a licence.”

          So why does furrowtickler pay?
          Wouldn't it be better in his pocket?

          Who is the playground bully?
          Where is the Minister?

          Either stand up and take control of your wheat and barley industry, Agri-villers, or you will never make a penny growing wheat and barley.





            A young couple got married and went away on their honeymoon. After two weeks they came back and finally put away all of the presents they received from friends and family. Since this was a new home, the process took some time.

            A week later, they received in the mail two tickets for a popular show where tickets were impossible to get. They were very excited and warmed by the gesture of the person who sent this. Inside the envelope, however, was only a small piece of paper with a single line, "From...guess who?"

            The pair had much fun trying to identify the donor, but failed in the effort. They went to the theatre, and had a wonderful time. On their return home late at night, still trying to guess the identity of the unknown host, they found the house stripped of every article of value. And on the bare table in the dining room was a piece of paper on which was written in the same hand as the enclosure with the tickets:

            "Now you know!"

            Confused Defendant

            At the conclusion of a criminal trial in a high profile bank robbery case, the judge turned to the jury foreman and asked if the jury had reached a verdict.

            "Yes, we have, your honor," replied the foreman.

            "Would you pass it to me, please," the judge said, as he motioned for the bailiff to retrieve the verdict slip from the foreman and deliver it to him.

            The judge read the slip, gave it back to his bailiff to be returned to the foreman, and instructed the foreman, "Please read the verdict to the court."

            "We, the jury, find the defendant Not Guilty on all three counts of bank robbery," the foreman stated. Upon hearing the verdict, the defendant's family and friends jumped for joy, hugging each other as they shouted expressions of divine gratitude.

            The defendant's attorney turned to him and asked, "So, what do you think of that?"

            With a bewildered look on his face, the defendant replied, "I'm very confused. Does this mean I have to give all the money back?"


              Wheat Board behind-the-scenes policy has a profound negative effect upon the West.

              An eastern farmer-entepreneur wanting to value-add, transports his wheat/barley/product across the line, or into Japan, or into INDONESIA, a CWB license in hand, granted to him, with open arms, by the CWB.

              A western farmer-entepreneur wanting to value-add, has to sell his grain to the CWB because the CWB always denies his license.

              Lots of staff at the CWB are hired to specifically perform the national Licenening duties that the CWB is legislatively responsible to fulfill.

              Someone composes and revises licenses..one for the seedgrowers, one for the EMFA, one for the kamut growers, one for Ontario Wheat Marketing Board, etc.

              All the Accreditied Agencies need an ok license from the CWB before they send their feed barley to Saudi Arabia.

              Every bit of grain exported out of the DA has to be either licensed or licensed-waived. Takes a lot of staff. The DA is part of Canada and is subject to the national licensing requirement set forth by Parliament.

              And get this.


              Everyone knows that if a specific Legislation requires the collection of a tariff, that the cost is to be borne by the Government of Canada.

              Who else do you suppose should be responsible for paying the collection cost of national tarrifs, if it isn't the Feds?

              Playschool toddlers?
              53 year old Scottish women?
              First Nation twenty-five year olds?
              Level 4 Care Home seniors in Brandon, Manitoba?

              The CWB ignores their own legislation.

              Guess who's payin' national licensing costs?



              DA farmers.

              Maybe DA farmers can pay for the gun registry too. Goody.

              Maybe DA farmers can pay for national environmental inspections spills, too, Goody.

              Maybe DA farmers can pay for Elections Canada expenses, too. Goody gum drops.

              What the hell have the Ministers in charge of your money been doing?

              What kind of elected Directors did you vote for, that allows the Feds to continue to download the cost of nationally licensing every bit of grain that passes through the Ontario Wheat Marketing Board, ONTO D.A. FARMERS?

              Licensing entails inspecting, border co-operation, revisions, arranging licensing for corporations, policing, sample-taking, in-camera meetings and on and on. Licensing is ALSO court expenses for charging farmers for NOT being licensed.

              National licensing is huge. And a huge expense.

              Make your CWB accountable to you.

              They are spending millions on national licensing.

              That Eastern entrepreneur, has all his licensing expenses paid for by Westerners. From your pooling accounts.

              It's despicable.



                Good Mornign Agri-villers:

                Licensing Tidbit:

                Read this tale, confident it is barren of truth.

                Rumour had it that OWMB was ticked off with the CWB, a few years back, because the CWB is the only game in town that can dish out export licenses, and, as the story goes, were peeking at the names of the buyers filled in on the Ontario licenses.

                Ontario no longer wished to reveal the names of their buyers.

                Nor was the CWB to be denied information. Horns locked.

                Ontario, so the story goes, was so miffed, they composed their own license, and signed them, and with the loads of grain, presented faux licenses at Customs.

                The CWB, as the story was told, was dis-amused.

                Customs sharply rebuked Ontario. No jail, though.

                Ontario WMB then tried to get a Federal Government Department, Trade and Commerce, to issue the CWB permits, instead of the CWB.

                The CWB flew down in a flurry, feathers ruffled.

                Finally a compromise was had.

                OWMB are no longer required to name their buyers.
                The CWB maintains licensing.

                Expensive licensing session.

                Of course, this could all be gossipy gruncherie, but the visual is useful and forceful. Visuals can put me into a tizzy, I discovered this year. lol

                This is clearly a licensing issue. Trips to Ottawa. Meetings. Expenses.

                Westerners paid the bill.


                Westerners paid

                ONLY WESTERNERS

                A little morning humor:


                If you want to see a nasty rooster-fight, elect a few militant CWB Board members, and let them convince the other Board members that everyone must to vote to deny export licenses to everyone BUT Westerners. And send the bill to everyone but the West.

                A little in-house policy trick, I picked up. lol



                  Good Mornign Agri-villers:

                  Licensing Tidbit:

                  Read this tale, confident it could be barren of truth.

                  Rumour had it that OWMB was ticked off with the CWB, a few years back, because the CWB is the only game in town that can dish out export licenses, and, as the story goes, were peeking at the names of the buyers filled in on the Ontario licenses.

                  Ontario no longer wished to reveal the names of their buyers.

                  Nor was the CWB to be denied information. Horns locked.

                  Ontario, so the story goes, was so miffed, they composed their own license, and signed them, and with the loads of grain, presented faux licenses at Customs.

                  The CWB, as the story was told, was dis-amused.

                  Customs sharply rebuked Ontario. No jail, though.

                  Ontario WMB then tried to get a Federal Government Department, Trade and Commerce, to issue the CWB permits, instead of the CWB.

                  The CWB flew down in a flurry, feathers ruffled.

                  Finally a compromise was had.

                  OWMB are no longer required to name their buyers.
                  The CWB maintains licensing.

                  Expensive licensing session.

                  Of course, this could all be gossipy gruncherie, but the visual is useful and forceful. Visuals can put me into a tizzy, I discovered this year. lol

                  This is clearly a licensing issue. Trips to Ottawa. Meetings. Expenses.

                  Westerners paid the bill.


                  Westerners paid

                  ONLY WESTERNERS

                  A little morning humor:


                  If you want to see a nasty rooster-fight, elect a few militant CWB Board members, and let them convince the other Board members that everyone must to vote to deny export licenses to everyone BUT Westerners. And send the bill to everyone but the West.

                  A little in-house policy trick, I picked up. lol




                    You must have a stuck ENTER key!


                    One point that has not been talked about on CWB duties... that is not commonly known... is that all processors of human consumption products must do extensive work, to satify the CWB, that all wheat and barley entering the plant are accounted for.

                    Malt Plants, Mills, Distileries... al must spent vast amounts of time and "smooze" making sure the CWB is satisfied... that every last kernel is accounted for.

                    And for what? This is a licensing function... enabled from Part IV of the CWB Act...

                    So not only do growers pay for the "smooze" and watchful eye of the CWB... we pay twice through our basis to have our processors "smooze" the watchful eyes of CWB Inspectors.

                    You should hear the accounts of what happens at malt plants, process plants... IT IS NOT a JOKE. It costs growers big money 2wice over!



                      You must have a stuck ENTER key!


                      One point that has not been talked about on CWB duties... that is not commonly known... is that all processors of human consumption products must do extensive work, to satify the CWB, that all wheat and barley entering the plant are accounted for.

                      Malt Plants, Mills, Distileries... al must spent vast amounts of time and "smooze" making sure the CWB is satisfied... that every last kernel is accounted for.

                      And for what? This is a licensing function... enabled from Part IV of the CWB Act...

                      So not only do growers pay for the "smooze" and watchful eye of the CWB... we pay twice through our basis to have our processors "smooze" the watchful eyes of CWB Inspectors.

                      You should hear the accounts of what happens at malt plants, process plants... IT IS NOT a JOKE. It costs growers big money 2wice over!



                        Now I am guilty too!

                        Those cottonpicken mice... are way too touchy feely!


                          What is worse is this...

                          All Malt Plants, Mills, Distileries... etc in Canada, are

                          designated as WORKS FOR THE GENERAL ADVANTAGE OF CANADA!!!!!!!!

                          That means that Canada Malt is a works for the General Advantge of Canada.

                          What prudent businessman wants to invest in a poisoned business environment?

                          What is the matter with our legislators?

                          What is the matter with our corpoations?

                          What is the matter with voter



                            The Canadian Wheat Board snuck into the Act's Licensing room and successfully gussied up their sleek national tariff collector.

                            Transforming her.

                            They dressed her up in the ugliest, most-expensive gawdawful Western buyback dress they could find.

                            Farmers didn't notice.

                            The CWB crossed out the word
                            "Licensing" on the original banner pinned across the front of the tax collectors dress, and replaced it, scratching in the word "Marketing".

                            Her shoes had been imprinted "All of Canada" on the sole, but the CWB simply re-stamped " Western Canadian" on top.

                            DA farmers didn't notice.

                            This new buyback collector often illegally collects from Western Canada, and farmers still don't know the tax collector is the buyback collector in disguise. But charging more from fewer.

                            Do you like paying?



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