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Guidelines and Terms of Use Notice: Personal Attacks Are Not Acceptable - Please Tone It Down.

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    Actually the some of complaints about personal attacks here come from the moderators. We don't find that personal attacks accomplish anything. In fact, they are counter productive. Even after the site's comments higher up in this thread, there are still a couple of comments that are on the edge.

    Remember that the owners of this site have the power to block anyone's participation and that has happened recently.


      Now whose feelings are being hurt?L.O.L. It's okay to cry S.



        Would you expect anything less from a group of "Cutting edge/goofy" farmers that are self absorbed enough... and having enough fun; to keep this forum a great provider of INFO?

        "I never never never give up!" [Winston Churchill]

        "I plow ahead, no matter how the winds might lash me." [Christopher Columbus 1492]

        "The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands, but in seeing with new eyes." [Marcel Proust]


          I accept the chastisement, melvill, and wholeheartedly deserve it.

          As well, farmers need to be herded into occassional submission, whenever they stray from their learned "meeker and milder" role in agriculture, and the ones like me, who have a natural penchant for rebelliousness, particularly need a both a verbal and a written whack.

          I do try to maintain some degree of civility, but I do admit that the recent posts which reflected my spirited clinical-reasoning laden with truth, overode my finger-pointing containment.

          (A thought exercise).


          Perhaps I can plead too much birthday wine.

          I mixed red with white wine. Do you suppose that particular concoction released suppressed emotion?

          I don't know if I can learn/live/ the bah bah lifestyle even if I concentrate and practice.

          I'll try



            But was it organic wine?


              Ah...that was the problem Ag*

              It wasn't organic.

              I presume you are all too familiar with the cumulative effects of non-organic wine, and recognize the symptoms; hence, your committment to practicing sober restraint in word-brawl warfare.

              ....yet maintaining your singling humor.



                With all due respect, it is the very spirited and sometimes very emotional debate (if you can call it that, as I've never actually read a reasoned and coherent defense of the cwb or it's policies within this forum)

                that has made this forum such a popular haunt for many here.

                As far as lines that may or may not be crossed,

                blasting a public official for speaking falsehoods in public about public business is absolute fair game, not only is it fair,

                I consider it a citizens duty to hit em hard and hit em often about it.

                When a public official willingly and knowingly spews outright lies in public,

                It is they who choose to cross a line into the realm of disrespect towards others and a disrespect for the truth, and it is they who open themselves up for a public verbal flogging.

                What Pars may have said about a certain cwb employee was tame compared to what she could have said IMO.

                Yes, we need to understand and respect the boundaries between personal and public, between attacking an idea and attacking a person,

                but as someone else has said, the real and ultimate personal attack here is the very existence of an institution for which it's sole purpose for existence is to deny others their personal freedom of self determination,

                deny others the fruits of their own labours,

                and to use the monies of those same people to mount a disinformation campaign against them so extensive and so repleat with any respect for the truth, that it would make Uncle Joe Stalin blush


                  Mr. Melvill,
                  Have you noticed the decline in posts and interest in the "Beef Prodution" forum? Indeed all the other forums on this site? I once frequented the site "Combine Talk Show Directory", but not anymore. Marv Gordon (Gordon Combine Parts)didn't like the negative comments towards the Case 8010 combines , nor the colour wars resulting. He excluded Farmertony and the JD enthusiast, and the site is now practically dead. What happened to cowman? These forums, IMO, are not for sensitive souls, nor indifferent attitudes. I obviously disagree with your concerns, and ironically, for this forums sake. I don't care for pseudonyms either.....Cheers...Bill


                    Been doing some research,Disclaimer at the bottom!
                    DATES FOR 2007/08
                    January 14-18, 2008

                    There is no cost for the farmer to attend.If your interested in attending,
                    please let me know.

                    COMBINE TO CUSTOMER
                    Objective and Key messages


                    The Combine to Customer (C to C) program is one of the most effective
                    ways the CWB has to communicate with its farmer stakeholders. This is
                    largely due to the fact that there is a full 4.5 days of interactive
                    contact between CWB staff and industry with a select group of farmers.
                    At a cost of $240,000 for eight courses it is not inexpensive, but
                    compared to other communications costs it is extremely effective in
                    achieving our goal.

                    Because the Farm Business Representatives carefully choose the
                    participants we are able to effectively target a group of farmers who
                    will still be in business 10 years from now and are key leaders (not in
                    the political sense) within their communities. The target group also
                    includes farmers who are questioning the value of the CWB but are willing
                    to listen to the arguments to assess the value. Having farmers go
                    through the course is an attempt to build a bridge into the farm
                    community where farmers themselves can convene the message. This
                    approach is far more effective than the CWB telling its own story.

                    The main objective of the specific C to C program is to convey to the
                    participant the value of the Canadian system and more specifically the
                    value that the CWB adds to the farmers within the system because of its
                    single desk selling feature. In addition to the main objective, the week
                    long course is also intended to give producers an insight into the roles
                    of other organizations such as CIGI, the CGC, the Canadian Malt Barley
                    Technical Centre, etc. The CWB works closely together with these
                    organizations in order to add value for grain producers and it is
                    important that producers learn about their functions and new initiatives.

                    Key Messages

                    The following key messages should resonate throughout all the
                    · The CWB is farmer owned and controlled
                    · The objective of the single desk and how it impacts farmers
                    · The CWB is now a different organization since the Act (Bill C4) was
                    · The CWB is focused on their farmer customers and takes them seriously
                    · The CWB is accountable "You spoke, we listened"
                    · The CWB is flexible and efficient
                    · The new initiatives that have been put in place in recent years

                    Participants should feel that they have not committed to a week of CWB
                    promotion but rather feel that this will be a great opportunity to get
                    all of their questions answered and have their opinion heard on important
                    issues facing the grain industry.


                    CWB Farm Business Rep
                    I`ve deleted names here to protect the innocent should the Stalinists arrive with their LEAD remedy to the back of the head!OR I can add the name of the CWB rep to obtain the verification.......If this is the shallow propaganda that has worked so well on quonset dwellers,movie icons, and turncoats alike.... Heaven help us!!!!


                      Just to highlight, no one is asking anyone not the debate the issues in the most vigorous manner possible. Just asking for language that is appropriate to printed media and respect for people who participate in the forum.

                      Farms.com and Lee/I do not want to limit debate. Having said that, there needs to be some boundaries with the judgement call on what they show be. If you want the wild west of discussion groups, there are likely better forums than this one.

                      Bill - I like your idea of using your real name. Stops me from saying really dumb things. Perhaps that should be the judgement call everyone makes - if I had to put my real name on this and be accountable, would I phrase this posting the way it is now.


                        Crap, I thought Burp Fart Passed away, heck he has just been banned.



                          This is pure Wheat Board INDOCTRINATION, using pooling account money to accomplish political goals.




                            Unfortunatley, I've contributed for such a long time on this forum, I now answer to Parsley.

                            Often, farmers who know me, as well as farmers initially meeting me, address me as Parsley, even though my real name was involuntarily outed by Vader.

                            Such is the influence of Agri-ville.



                              Actually parsley, I wasn't chastising you. (Breath a sigh of relief, if need be.)

                              Charlie and I were chastising others, though.

                              And about this or other forums having fewer and fewer posts. I was at a farmer meeting the other day where some of the producers know my role in this. Two of them comments that the commodity marketing forum was getting to caustic and personal. They don't even look at it any more.


                                Actually melvill,

                                I was being facetious when I posted:

                                "farmers need to be herded into occassional submission, whenever they stray from their learned "meeker and milder" role in agriculture.

                                I'd like farmers to stand up and swing, and never submit like sheep.

                                They're gonna have to learn to brawl if they want to bank any of their money.



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