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Deanna Allen responds to Minister Ritz

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    Deanna Allen responds to Minister Ritz

    I must quote using the originator's name.

    I followed Agri-ville's link to this Canadian Press Article titled

    Canadian Wheat Board officials deny accusations by ag. minister on barley program:

    Deanna Allen, a spokeswoman for the wheat board......."

    "(It) infers that we're stonewalling, and then also (makes) lavish accusations about us not consulting, not listening and that we are overriding the views of producers," she said in an interview from Winnipeg. "It's just factually incorrect."

    If Deanna Allen wants to be the spokeswoman for the CWB, then she has to either be prepared to take the heat, or get out of the kitchen.

    Does Allen's "factually incorrect" phrase mean lying?

    Is Deanna Allen calling the Minister of Agriculture a liar?

    It's an important question, and I don't think she should be able to hide behind Agri-ville's skirt.


    Also from the same article;

    Allen said there's no "gap" between producers and the Canadian Wheat Board on the CashPlus option.

    "We've met with large groups of farmers in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta just since the beginning of January. Our experience has been that all those farmers want to know more about this program and how it could fit into their operations."

    Allen insisted that reaction to the program has been mainly positive, not negative.

    Now read cropdusters posting;

    Objective and Key messages


    The Combine to Customer (C to C) program is one of the most effective
    ways the CWB has to communicate with its farmer stakeholders. This is
    largely due to the fact that there is a full 4.5 days of interactive
    contact between CWB staff and industry with a select group of farmers.
    At a cost of $240,000 for eight courses it is not inexpensive, but
    compared to other communications costs it is extremely effective in
    achieving our goal.

    Because the Farm Business Representatives carefully choose the
    participants we are able to effectively target a group of farmers who
    will still be in business 10 years from now and are key leaders (not in
    the political sense) within their communities. The target group also
    includes farmers who are questioning the value of the CWB but are willing
    to listen to the arguments to assess the value. Having farmers go
    through the course is an attempt to build a bridge into the farm
    community where farmers themselves can convene the message. This
    approach is far more effective than the CWB telling its own story.

    The main objective of the specific C to C program is to convey to the
    participant the value of the Canadian system and more specifically the
    value that the CWB adds to the farmers within the system because of its
    single desk selling feature. In addition to the main objective, the week
    long course is also intended to give producers an insight into the roles
    of other organizations such as CIGI, the CGC, the Canadian Malt Barley
    Technical Centre, etc. The CWB works closely together with these
    organizations in order to add value for grain producers and it is
    important that producers learn about their functions and new initiatives.

    Key Messages

    The following key messages should resonate throughout all the
    · The CWB is farmer owned and controlled
    · The objective of the single desk and how it impacts farmers
    · The CWB is now a different organization since the Act (Bill C4) was
    · The CWB is focused on their farmer customers and takes them seriously
    · The CWB is accountable "You spoke, we listened"
    · The CWB is flexible and efficient
    · The new initiatives that have been put in place in recent years

    Participants should feel that they have not committed to a week of CWB
    promotion but rather feel that this will be a great opportunity to get
    all of their questions answered and have their opinion heard on important
    issues facing the grain industry.


    CWB Farm Business Rep

    Now go hmmmmmm?


      "(It) infers that we're stonewalling,(Well anyone with an IQ over 60 can see the obvious) and then also (makes) lavish accusations about us not consulting (The CWB never consults, they just try to woo,stroke and massage those they think they can and sniffs and sneers at those they know they can't), not listening (My dearest Deanna you of all people should know that the cwb has been polling farmers opinions about the cwb and the single desk for many years now and the results of those polls are always the same. Farmers want choice but not once have those views ever been listened to)and that we are overriding the views of producers (you most certainly are my sweet little sugarplumb, albeit a sugarplumb laced with Strychnine )," she said in an interview from Winnipeg. "It's just factually incorrect." (No it's not, it's pretty close to being right on the money)
      Allen said there's no "gap" between producers and the Canadian Wheat Board on the CashPlus option.

      There is just no way in God's Green Earth she can actually believe this.

      It's either delusional to the extreme or just another case of more hutzpa than brains.

      by the way heres the definition of hutzpa : aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery;


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