Just going through this PPO Fixed Price Contract/CashPlus etc.
The difference between the Fixed Price Contract price... and what it would cost to buy my grain back... it the CWB benefit
For the CWB to maintain the "single desk" the system has take from cash prices... and give the money back to the CWB... of the "single desk" is gone.
CashPLUS can not function differently... or the same result will occur.
Long and short of this... whether it be "Cash PLus" or any other CWB PPO program... they will all take world arbitrage from growers and fail to allow a transparent market...
Indeed arbitrage to attain world market value... on any cash price... is the principal the CWB 'single desk' MUST prevent to survive.
As long as the focus of the CWB is the 'single desk'... we will not get fair market value for our produce.
The CWB is a slave to the "single desk"... itself... which prevents it from being the facility that maximises our value as "designated area" grain growers. Industry interests easily beat a growers interest... simply by the CWB's own process of Sales and Handle.
Just going through this PPO Fixed Price Contract/CashPlus etc.
The difference between the Fixed Price Contract price... and what it would cost to buy my grain back... it the CWB benefit
For the CWB to maintain the "single desk" the system has take from cash prices... and give the money back to the CWB... of the "single desk" is gone.
CashPLUS can not function differently... or the same result will occur.
Long and short of this... whether it be "Cash PLus" or any other CWB PPO program... they will all take world arbitrage from growers and fail to allow a transparent market...
Indeed arbitrage to attain world market value... on any cash price... is the principal the CWB 'single desk' MUST prevent to survive.
As long as the focus of the CWB is the 'single desk'... we will not get fair market value for our produce.
The CWB is a slave to the "single desk"... itself... which prevents it from being the facility that maximises our value as "designated area" grain growers. Industry interests easily beat a growers interest... simply by the CWB's own process of Sales and Handle.