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Latest Prices out my South Door!

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    Latest Prices out my South Door!

    Cash Prices HRS
    Location 1/31/08 2/29/08 3/31/08 5/31/08 NC SP WHT
    Minot 13.00 13.00 13.10 13.10 9.70
    Bowbells 13.05 13.05 13.15 13.15 9.75
    Mohall 13.00 13.00 13.10 13.10 9.70
    Ryder 13.00 13.00 13.10 13.10 9.70
    Niobe 12.97 12.97 13.07 13.07 9.67
    Norma 13.00 13.00 13.10 13.10 9.70
    Lignite 12.97 12.97 13.07 13.07 9.67
    Velva 13.00 13.00 13.10 13.10 9.70
    Cash Prices
    Location MQ #1 HAD #2 HAD #3 HAD #4 HAD #5 HAD #1 FEED MQ NC
    Minot 21.50 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Bowbells 21.50 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Mohall 21.50 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Ryder 21.50 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Niobe 21.40 20.65 20.15 19.90 16.90 0.00 0.00 13.90
    Norma 21.50 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Lignite 21.40 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Velva 21.50 20.75 20.25 20.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 14.00
    Well Vader you have been quiet this week, whats up cant handle the heat. Realized that most farmers aren't buying yours or Ralph's play book.
    Any more comments on My farming practices etc. Opposition House Leader Ralph Goodale, Liberal MP for Regina's Wascana riding, said the government appears to be "prepared to pull every trick in the book to get their way." Goo dale said he can't say in advance how his party would vote on any bill it hasn't seen, but added he "can't imagine a circumstance where the Liberal party would vote for a piece of legislation that attempted to destroy the Canadian Wheat Board." (LP)
    Deanna’s speaking notes anyone - anyone? SK farmer - Bill Woods called the referendum "a rigged election in a banana republic." Harder said the plebiscite was a rigged election worthy of "a banana republic."
    That's why I am going to a Banana Republic to keep stirring the pot. Have a great one!

    SK4: Didnt you tell us a few weeks ago, that you priced 2008 peas at $8.00/bu?

    Did you know that they are nearly $9.00/bu now?

    Based on an average yield of 40bpa on 2000 acres, you just lost yourself $80,000 dollars.

    Why did you lock in this loss in profits?


      Did LWeber or what ever his name is recommend locking in these low prices?

      I thought you two could predict the highs?

      Market advice like this is only good for one thing...... lowering my INCOME TAXES.


        SK4: Do you watch the television show, "THE BIGGEST LOSER"?


          Did you figure out the SK4 reference yet?


            grain beetle,

            what do you care what saskfarmer sells his grain for? why do you think he can market his grain better for him?
            do whats best for your farm and let others do whats best for yours.


              Grain Beetle

              I have one word for you.'Phostoxin'


                Grain beetle your Birp fart in Disguise.
                I sold 15% on my 2000 acre Pea crop (40)for $8.00 (I was happy with 8, its a insurance for me, and I can live with it even if it goes to 50) I have a order for 9.50 when I am gone for another 15% and finally Ill do 15% to 20% at later date. So I should average 9.15 on half the crop using my way of selling. But here is the difference its my way and I control whats going on and when I sell and to who. Not some over paid expert who doesn't care if I get 50 Cents on the dollar he still gets paid.
                On to a Corona.


                  This is what i find entertaining about people like grainbeetle. In a situation where someone sells their peas at $8 only to have the price go up to $9 the next week. They can understand that $1/bushel was lost by selling at $8 instead of $9.
                  However, when you point out that the cwb pro on wheat is $9 and the cash price in ND is $13 somehow it just does not compute that we are potentially losing $4/bushel.
                  Then its taken a step further, and we are told that actually $9 is really better then $13 we are just too dumb to know it....trust us.


                    Hypocrisy drives me nuts.

                    Someone sells grain throught the year at what ever price to "insure" themselves,then turns around and discredits the the cwb for doing the same.

                    Stick to the arquements that are sound.

                    Its really hard to believe saskfarmer or who ever would have all their board grain production to sell at these prices when they go and sell on a sucker contract for 8 bucks.


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