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Will Ralphy Boy be the Next to Fall!

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    Will Ralphy Boy be the Next to Fall!

    Its starting to look like Christmas in Canada (South its 35 today). Got a early present with the annoying Deanna Allen getting sacked. Last week Super Flaman showed us his real Colours. Heck could it be that Regina's Little Ralph Boy Could be Defeated in Wascana Plains.
    That and CWB ending and 08 is looking better than 07 ever did.
    Maybe years of getting told don't worry we are looking after you, trust us we know whats better for you, etc from Fed Liberals Gov & Bureaucrats, and CWB with their wealth distribution system, Help the other industries at the backs of grain growers and keep jobs out their for the cities. Farmers learned to cut costs get lean basically hunker in for a long fight and we are ready for a take down, Most of us are like my father quiet and silent but when he took action any thing could happen. Usually to busy to attend meeting so we send the local whiner. Get into politics because that's a great job to save our farm.
    Is it just me or do we as a group always send the worst, to stand up for us. Maybe a change is coming and finally enough is enough.
    For two long we have been sold a line of BS and bought it, some, but only a few still believe it but with the Internet etc we can see whats happening to the minuet around the world. We can tell if it rained in India or Brazil or Froze the first time in 91 years in Argentina etc. Not this trust us we know whats going on and give our product I repeat our product away to a few Superior high payers (I say that with tongue in Cheek).
    Maybe life on a Saskatchewan farm is finally great. The glass is finally getting full. Maybe its 1978 all over again.


    It looks like you are addicted!

    Hope all is going well on your holiday!



    I thought Ralphie was going to resign before the next election, if it was not called in 2007... you are indicating that he is going back on his word... AGAIN? Promises Promises... he is always not living up to my expectations!

    Should I send Ralphie another hearing aid? And a copy of the Western Grain Marketing Panel Report... to remind him that he messed up... not the Conservatives!!!



      Your right, Actually the wife caught me online and guess what she wins. (Wink Wink)
      That's it for next two weeks unless I sneak away.


        Goodale's looking for a senate appointment. Another lap dog job. If he ever had to deliver a bushel of grain for his livelihood I could at least listen to his dribble. What is more disturbing is that there is a constituency in this country that votes a person like him to represent them. There is still a bunch of socialists huddled together - sort of like a sleeper cell for an anology.


          Careful with that sneaking away thing. Might not be worth it the long run.


            this site is nothin' but looney tunes!


              You realize comments like that plant you firmly at the very fringe of ag politics.
              The reality is that the 20 or so regular bloggers on this site represent about 2% of the 14% that voted for removal of the CWB from barley marketing in the rigged plebiscite last year. You are definitely not representative of the majority. Long live democracy!!


                hopsing, you keep beleiving that if it makes you sleep better at night....
                i can assure you that 20 or so regular bloggers repesent 80% or more of actural agricultural output from western canada, and probably 60 to 70% of actual full time farmers......

                if you want to read looney tunes...go to the savemycwb site...now I consider that fringe....


                  Hoppsing. The assumption made when one discounts the barley plebiscite is that farmers aren't intelligent enough to understand the options on the ballot and the ramifications of their choice. You may speak for yourself if the shoe fits. I'm not wearing it.


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