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"Rising costs for Commodities"

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    "Rising costs for Commodities"


    What do you think?

    "Inflation, Fed & You
    Rising costs for commodities' impact on the economy, with Jerry Gulke, Strategic Marketing Services; CNBC's Steve Liesman & Rick Santelli"


    What is better,

    Paying billions in subsidies... to keep the grain bins full... or paying a fair price... and having decent production a result!

    What exactly is sustainability?

    Ha,that was good,i usually ignore cnbc but some of that piece was relevent.

    Farmers are really going to have to get the message out that the food price increases are not our fault.

    As far as subsidies,i remember reading a government philosophy one time that said "if it moves,tax it-if it stops moving subsidize it",so i see a real possibility of no more subsidies and higher taxes for farmers.We'll see.

    Maybe not so far from now the west will be revolted with a picture of justin trudeau pulling out of regina on a bus giving a group of farmers the finger over some kind of "food accord".



      It is certainly 100x better for Canadian grain growers... for the US/EU to resolve the subsidy issue in this manner.

      Reasonable balance has been achieved, China and India have over 3 billion people... and are prepared to spend a fair chunk of the income the world economy has provided... on FOOD.

      It is possible we are entering a new phase... the Bio-economy can help us sustain our world... and conserve while advances in tech drive sustainable environmental solutions... while providing opportunity to the billions to have decent food supplies.

      Not a bad plan... Ag producers in China and India also partake in higher incomes... create demand for products... in turn help create the environmental sustainability of our Ag/Energy systems...


        There is an equilibrium that can be found where everyone can make money.Profit is not a dirty word.

        Forgive me for what I say next.

        When someone gets to greedy is when things go amuck. Whether it be the supply companies, the gov't with taxes, or even the farmer (very rarely ). When the equibrium gets destroyed or out of balance someone loses.

        The farmers were almost destroyed but like other topic lists have said we got lean and mean. Now the power is coming back to the farmer in that we can get what we ask for in higher prices. If we can live with modest profit, rebuild our equity, refill our savings without someone trying to leech off our farms by charging the hell out of us for glypho, fertilizer, fuels, selling costs etc, the equibrium will stay for a while.


          I really like this guy.He explains things well and is very smart.He has made some amazing predictions over the years.


          He's got some great videos on you tube just punch in peter shiff.

          Another guy to watch is walker(david i think).He is head of the gao(government accounting office).He is americas top accountant.

          Just go to youtube and punch in gao.


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