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Meeting Again.....deja vous

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    Meeting Again.....deja vous

    1. The CWB are traipsing off to Ottawa, again, next week, on farmers' dollars, ignoring the Minister's public direction to come up with a plan for choice marketing.

    The choice directors will be booked in at the CWB spa, so they won't be able to attend.

    The Government is frightened silly by the idea of a Ministerial Direction, but it is rumoured some staff are putting together a mini-conference prior to meeting with the Board, dubbed, "Receiving Dierection", to help boost confidence and skill of the Department, but so far nothing concrete has come up.

    When the CWB arrive, the Minister will insult-chatter with them, a ploy to send them into a predictable public relations huff, complete with Easter prime-time for four solid days.

    Insult always garners a predictable reaction; paving the perfect way to avoid the courting/union. A liason must inevitably occur in the interests of the farm community, but does not because it is not in the interests of the CWB-Government players

    A "squabble" distraction will provide the Government time to do nothing until an election is called, and then they can plead nothing can be done until the election is over.

    Farmers will continue to lick up the bottom prices, and the CWB staff will demand and get a raise for their stressful contribution.

    The good news is the restaurants in Ottawa are really good. Lots of seafood. Expense is of no concern, of course. The service is great, because the tips flow from unlimited pooling accounts.

    The farm community badly needs testosterone; even Eugene Whelen identified it a long time ago, advising, "Eating beef makes you ferocious".

    We need to get really mad.


    With all of the jet fuel being burned to get all these folks back and forth from these endless meetings in Ottawa how long is it going to be before David Suzuki is calling on Harper to end the board in the name of global warming.



      This is the Canadian way!

      Are you actually surprised?

      Will grain growers ACTUALLY respect each other enough... to resolve the issue the way it should have been done in 1993. Goodale's Revenge!


        CTV reports the government is doomed and will fall on the budget or afghanistan. We won't see an open market this year.

        I suspect someone within this government has figured out the cwb liability to the taxpayers and decided to ignore the problem and pretend to fix it with this squabbling.

        Strahl should have introduced the bill a long time ago.

        The gov't let us down and now they will have to really pay for my vote since I am no better off.


          Strahl should have introduced the bill a long time ago.

          Yeah, but that wouldn't have been very nice. Wayne Easter and Greg Weston might have said something bad about them.

          Going the route they've chosen has saved them from all the lefts ridicule.

          So instead of just saying, "Meanwhile, over at the Canadian Wheat Board, it seems, any day is a beautiful day for an execution." Greg Weston might have said

          "Meanwhile, over at the Canadian Wheat Board, it seems, any day is a beautiful day for a MASS execution."

          You see how much better the first sound than the second.

          It's all in the minutia, it's all in the way the words role off the readers tounges,

          this is important and we sill farmers think that a billion or two lost on grain sales is what this is all about.

          No NO NO, it's all about appearances and appearing to have a clue when the truth is none exists.


            parsley: You should be a script writer for a "soap opera"...I am sure that you would do a credible job.

            The scenario that you describe will undoubtedly transpire though, as this is the way that governments work...very ponderous.


              Don't you know that "real life", leaving nothing out, is much more exciting than a soap opera?

              You need to get a real life!



                This sucks.


                OTTAWA, Ontario, February 7 2008 – The Honourable Gerry Ritz, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food and Minister for the Canadian Wheat Board, today announced the Government of Canada’s intention to proceed with finalizing the operationalization of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Special Agricultural Safeguard for supply-managed goods.

                “This is another example of the Government listening to supply-managed groups and delivering real action for them,” said Minister Ritz.

                “Our decision to finalize the operationalization of the Special Agricultural Safeguard is important, as it will ensure that we can stay in position to support supply management sectors, and keep them strong.”

                The WTO Special Agricultural Safeguard allows WTO members to provide stability for sensitive industries by imposing temporary surtaxes in response to sudden over-quota import surges, or unexpected decreases in certain agricultural commodity prices.

                For more information, media may contact:

                Media Relations
                Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
                Ottawa, Ontario

                Margaux Stastny

                Press Secretary

                The Office of the Honourable Gerry Ritz


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