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Slow Server on Agri-ville.com

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    Slow Server on Agri-ville.com

    Our Tech guys are working on the servers trying to speed the site up.

    Sorry for the poor speed - hopefully we can speed things up...

    We will likely have to upgrade the server soon as the performance is falling off.



    Thought I'd lost my blankey!

    Gave me time to look these up:

    Company Info for agri-ville.com:

    Farms.com Contact Info
    877-438-5729 x5013

    Site Stats for agri-ville.com:

    •Agri-ville.com has a traffic rank of: 1,593956747,563
    •Online Since: 01-Oct-1997

    Agri-ville.com users come from these countries:
    Canada 86.7%
    United States 13.3%

    Agri-ville.com traffic rank in other countries:

    Canada 5661,0249412
    United States1,174360,702

    Canada 388751,87012
    United States 155,87170,702



      Parsley...you are indeed a sleuth. Now get back to work. Spring is coming and you haven't got your seed cleaned.

      Just joking.


        Why don't you come along to the WBGA convention?

        If you do, I'd even introduce you to everyone! Wouldn't that be fun?

        Someone told me awhile ago, when they met me that I was not at all what they expected. lol Maybe you would find the same.

        wilagro, I think you'd get your eyes opened up if you came to the sessions. LOL

        Are you game?



          I think it might have something to do with all the fancy adds scrolling around the screen.
          Very nice
          but if I can't get on, or it takes too long I'll just browse somewhere else.
          BTW this is the first site I checked today I really get value out of it.

          I realize that the adds pay the bills, heaven knows I haven't paid any of yours. But please get this fixed, I have high speed I can't imagine how painful dial up must be.


            Parsley: thanks for the invitation, but my health is not the best right now and I have a very jealous girlfriend who wouldn't let me go anyway.

            Darn, I wish that I could turn the clock back at least fifteen years...but them's the breaks as they say.


              She doesn't have to worry.

              I'm near 6'4 with the higher heels and uglier than a bear, and according to vader, old and tired, so just as well.



                I just had a vision of you in 10 inch heals, sorry to say it's not something I will do again.


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