here's an example of what marketing planning means:
- studying wheat fundamentals to determine the trend; identifying it as higher
- waiting diligently for a sign of a reversal before pricing
- realizing throughout the rally that we can't possibly pick a target to sell at that won't be at risk of being too low
- determining that we need to see a couple of consecutive sharply lower closes before we'll be sure that at least a short-term top is in
- seeing the signal and cuing up a sale
- comparing the profitability prospects from all the different crop options in 08, deciding how much wheat to plant, forecasting a reasonable yield and calculating expected new-crop production
- determining within the current market environment what percentage of that is safe to price, especially given uncertainty in the basis
- calculating precisely how much to sell when the signal comes
- getting the job done by sending in the forms on the day when all of this comes together
at the risk of revealing too much, we had it all lined up to price some new-crop wheat futures-only today, the result of 8 months of study, analysis and discipline, just when they pulled the program.
i crumpled when i heard the news. then i went to the can and puked.
with all due respect to their mandate, motives, internal business needs and risk management challenges, i have to wonder if anyone downtown went through as much anguish as we did 'on behalf of farmers' today.
- studying wheat fundamentals to determine the trend; identifying it as higher
- waiting diligently for a sign of a reversal before pricing
- realizing throughout the rally that we can't possibly pick a target to sell at that won't be at risk of being too low
- determining that we need to see a couple of consecutive sharply lower closes before we'll be sure that at least a short-term top is in
- seeing the signal and cuing up a sale
- comparing the profitability prospects from all the different crop options in 08, deciding how much wheat to plant, forecasting a reasonable yield and calculating expected new-crop production
- determining within the current market environment what percentage of that is safe to price, especially given uncertainty in the basis
- calculating precisely how much to sell when the signal comes
- getting the job done by sending in the forms on the day when all of this comes together
at the risk of revealing too much, we had it all lined up to price some new-crop wheat futures-only today, the result of 8 months of study, analysis and discipline, just when they pulled the program.
i crumpled when i heard the news. then i went to the can and puked.
with all due respect to their mandate, motives, internal business needs and risk management challenges, i have to wonder if anyone downtown went through as much anguish as we did 'on behalf of farmers' today.