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Canola Futures

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    Exactly, CP. Quick math off the top of my head, if canola limits where tripled for a few days like the MGE on wheat....would put it well over $800 on the near month by the end of next week.
    Now that would be something to get excited about.


      Cotton, I may need to buy you that bottle, afterall. I won't mind losing this bet.


        But the important question is, "Would anyone sell any at $800 or would they wait for nine hundred?" I've noticed that Greed, not Fear, is becoming an over riding motivator in some of my phone conversations with producers.


          Melville here we go again its greed that's moving farmers.
          Hell you would have had all off us liquidate our production at 8:00 then 9:00 then 10:00.
          Canola is undervalued compared to other crops and Should be at 18:00 That's when one sells.
          Profit big profit and then farmers are in control TAX man is their only problem, Not Chem, Fert, Banks Etc. Its huge profit and for once that's whats needed.
          Yea I guess I am greedy but since most of My Canola is Always sold in Month of March (Road bans no one wants to haul) or June when sweep our bins. Get a Basis and Run with it.


            Mistakes on marketing come right off the top.


              This is a year when marketing and truly marketing and research will reward you.
              Last springs frost in US was devastating yet most of the experts were oh its not as bad as it seems. Hell we lived it in Canada twice in my life time and a crop is killed. its killed. So wheat was the sleeper, Canola the Crop wasn't their in Canada even if some BSers were saying they had a huge crop. Reality is two weeks of Close to 100 plus kills a crops potential and Then pictures from Australia I posted showing the Crop slowly dying yet Experts kept saying their is a OK crop. It died So yes marketing works understanding how a crop grows and weather effects it is also important and if you never grow grain or have a garden (couple quarters) you don't live the process.


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