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06-07 CWB annual report

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    charliep posted this on another thread but it is relevant to this one as well so I'm reposting it here.

    "Page 60. Will note that durum, designated barley and feed barley contributed to the contingency fund.

    Durum contributed $21,000 from 754 tonnes or about $28/tonne.

    Designate barley contributed about $121,000 from contract use of 19,813 tonnes or $6/tonne.

    Feed barley contributed $556,000 from a contracted volume of 11,844 tonnes or $47/tonne.

    From a risk management/contingency fund perspective, what is going on here? Is it any wonder why farmers are not using the durum or barley programs?"


      Should note the feed barley is likely interest earnings which shouldn't be distributed to farmers who delivered to the pooling account but likely could be spent better in other places than simply hiding in the contingency fund (eg. market development, research, etc).


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