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    $25,000 was the course fee, for 5 modules, we had two years to take them when I was a corporate director. I imagine directors of the CWB had the same amount of time to complete it.
    The course was held either in Calgary, Wistler BC or Niagara on the Lake Ontario.
    Per deims and expenses were not included in the course fee. It should show up in the directors expenses as mine were shown the annual report my past company reports showed too. Then again we were a public traded company and these had to be shown.
    Honestly does it matter who any of us are?? facts are facts. You know who I am and I know who you are.
    answer the questions.



      I note you have beckoned.

      I don't blame you for being annoyed with me, and singling me out, and trying to insult me , and be negative towards me.

      It is simply because you cannot answer the question.

      The question is always there, waiting, lurking. And you cannot answer it.

      And it is embarassing for a Director of the Canadian Wheat Board to be unable to answer THE question:

      Here it comes again....

      "How come Dwayne living in Wadena has to do a buyback on wheat he delivers to Robin Hood Mills in Toronto when the CWB Act states no fee shall be charged? "

      That's the question.

      Not being able to answer means all Agri-villers having to consider the following:

      1. The CWB has been, and still is, lying to farmers.

      2. The CWB is charging a fee that Parliament SPECIFICALLY states cannot be charged.

      3. The CWB Single Desk Directors have willingly and knowingly ignored the legislation that governs them, and are liable.

      4. CWB single desk Directors do not respect the law.

      5. CWB single Desk Directors are self-serving, and only interested in their own interests.

      6. CWB single Desk Directors are so consumed with ideological fervor, that nothing else matters, including the rule of law.

      7.CWB single Desk Directors do not respect or trust in their fellow Designated Area farmers.

      Vader, I have asked this question for at least the past five years:

      Why is it that farmers selling inter-provincially, have to make a payment to the CWB, when CWB Regulation 14.1 clearly states: "no fee shall be charged"?

      You predictably log off when that same old, same old question reappears......
      .....because that question reveals what you have become.

      Uh huh.


      PS: "Yoo hoo, Vader, are you hiding under the bed?"


        Rod/Vader said "As a Director of the Canadian Wheat Board, I understand my role quite well. It is to set the long term vision of the CWB. It is to work in the best interest of the CWB".

        That is it in a nutshell. Not in the best interest of the farmers as a whole. Not even in the best interest of the farmers that elected him, but in best interest of the CWB.

        If Rod Flaman gets elected as a liberal in the next federal election, the voters better know that he will look after the Liberal party first, and if it suits, he will/might/maybe look after his constituents after.

        I really thought the Directors of the CWB cared about the "DA" farmers but were just incompetent, I now realize that they just don't give a shit.



          You said;

          "You may be an enemy of the CWB. How would I know. Most of you seem to be mortal enemies of the CWB for ideoloical reasons."

          As long as the CWB exercises powers, 'single desk' powers... you have a feduciary responsibility to treat all of us with respect.

          You are wrong Rod, your above statement breaks your own Code of Ethics.

          "D. The views and concerns of western Canadian wheat and barley farmers are an important element in Board decision-making and each director has a responsibility to ensure those views and concerns are brought forward to the entire Board.

          III. DUTIES
          Duties for corporate directors emanate from common law obligations and the provisions of the statute or instrument under which the company is incorporated. The following duties are applicable to directors and are in addition to any enactment or rule of law or equity relating to the duties of directors:

          A. Duty of loyalty

          Directors must act honestly, in good faith, and in the best interests of the Corporation. The key elements of this standard of behaviour are:

          (i) A director must act in the best interests of the CWB and not in his or her self-interest. Acting in the best interests of the CWB includes ensuring that the views and concerns of western Canadian wheat and barley farmers are brought forward to the entire Board."

          B. Duty of care

          Directors owe a duty of care to the CWB and must exercise the degree of skill and diligence reasonably expected from an ordinary person of his or her knowledge and experience. This means:

          (i) The standard of behavior expected of a director will depend upon the particular qualities or characteristics that the director brings to CWB in relation to the particular matters under consideration.

          (ii) The director must be proactive in the performance of his or her duties by:
          (a) attending meetings;
          (b) participating in a meaningful way;
          (c) being vigilant to ensure CWB is being properly managed and is complying with laws affecting the CWB; and
          (d) Ensuring their activities and actions do not undermine the reputation or integrity of the Corporation.
          (e) Engaging in activities that demonstrate the accountability of the CWB and the director to all Western Canadian wheat and barley farmers.

          (iii) In fulfilling their duty of care, directors have a responsibility to the CWB to ensure that systems are in place to provide directors with the information they need to make informed decisions."

          Did you remember this part Vader: "accountability of the CWB and the director to all Western Canadian wheat and barley farmers"?

          Then we need to finish off with this:

          "F. Director Commitment

          The CWB is determined to behave, and to be perceived, as an ethical Corporation.

          (i) Each director must adhere to the standards described in this Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Guidelines, and to the standards set out in applicable policies, guidelines or legislation.
          (ii) To demonstrate our determination and commitment, the CWB asks each director to review the Code periodically throughout the year.
          (iii) Integrity, honesty, and trust are essential elements of our business success."

          "II. PRINCIPLES
          A. The CWB is committed to engaging in relationships with western Canadian wheat and barley farmers, the public, with the business community, with their employees and among themselves in an environment which:

          (i) provides service to western Canadian wheat and barley farmers and customers that is courteous, professional, equitable, efficient, and effective;
          (ii) is sensitive and responsive to the changing needs, expectations and rights of a diverse public;
          (iii) values and respects multiculturalism and cultivates understanding and mutual acceptance of cultural diversity among all customers, suppliers, employees and stakeholders; is free from favoritism, fear, coercion, discrimination or harassment;"

          Please Vader, how can any 'reasonable' person, read what you have posted; and take from it that you respect and value my opinions.

          Again You said;

          "You may be an enemy of the CWB. How would I know. Most of you seem to be mortal enemies of the CWB for ideoloical reasons."

          My "ideoloical reasons" have just as much standing as someone who likes to pool...yet the CWB is discriminating against me and taking half the value of my grain (sold through PPo's)and giving it to those who pool.


            An earlier comment stated that Ritter and Flaman when elected, were in favor of marketing freedom amd flip-flopped their positions after being elected?
            How very politician-like.
            From what I can tell reading this thread Vader has basically become a troll on this board. Every time he posts he provides no new or accurate information. For example, he makes a statement about selling 140,000 tonnes of barley. When later questioned on the number he replies that it could be 40,000 but it really doesnt matter, he really doesnt need to know anything.
            The people to ask are his paper-pusher staff?
            Vader, are you not a director for the magnificent and illustrious CWB. Should you not have alot of specific information at your disposal with which to communicate with producers?

            In my opinion, Vader's posts should really be ignored until he remembers where he came from and who he really, truly works for.


              He now works for Dion and still the puppetmaster, Chretien.


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