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Wheat /Durum=$1000/t

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    Wheat /Durum=$1000/t


    Can you imagine having 100 loads of wheat (DURUM and DNS are the same price now)... and what that would be worth... @ 34t/load... that is $3.4m WOW.

    And some folks are selling... and paying debts off..., and setting up their next generation.

    What a dreamer...I am...

    And we will save 4mmt, for our 'special customers' and give them $2B... ($500/t * 4mmt) ...only in Canada.

    What nice 'designated area' lackies we are... The Masser sure has lots of $$$ to throw around!


    That some 'designated area' folks... like those few folks that won the DPC LOttery... Like organic growers... this is discrimination... it is not equitable, fair, it is enough to tear some people in two.

    The CWB Directors are breaking their Code of Conduct... all over the place.

    US wheat associates this week say this:

    "Basis prices for HRS in the Gulf look more like cash prices at $5.75/bu for March positions, climbing 25 cents/bu each deferred month. Some traders are not offering July or August positions, lacking pre-harvest availability. Exporters are competing against U.S. mill demand with HRW basis prices at domestic mills in Kansas currently double basis offers for Gulf export origination. SW prices at the PNW were unchanged this week while high protein specifications on HRW and HRS are not being offered."

    And I am a rip off artist... if I as for a 'designated area' grower to pay $10.50/bu for clean pedigreed wheat seed.... = to just the basis in Kansas.

    And the CWB took ths sale benefit from me, on my PPO...of that same basis... and put that is the CWB pool...


      Get ready for the income taxman.


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