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Snapshot in time

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    Snapshot in time

    Going through the filing cabinet, trying to clean up papers, found this little gem.

    It is dated Dec. 29/93

    Flax $228.50/tonne or $5.80/bushel
    ****seed $342.00/tonne or $7.75/bushel
    #1 Wheat $ 81.20/tonne or $2.21/bushel
    #2 Wheat $ 76.79/tonne or $2.09/bushel
    Barley $ 73.48/tonne or $1.60/bushel
    Oats $ 87.41/tonne or $1.26/bushel
    Rye $110.31.tonne or $2.80/bushel

    NH3 $321/tonne
    Urea $240/tonne
    Phos. $240/tonne
    Sulphur $230/tonne
    Potash $185/tonne

    Diesel $ .23/litre
    Gas $ .35/litre

    This is in Alberta, and grain prices are net. Not sure if that includes final payment on Wheat.

    Maybe grain prices are not skyrocketing, they are just catching up to where they should be.

    Imagine if canola does a x10 like wheat.


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