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Word War I

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    Word War I

    Answer my question, Vader

    Let's see how you war with words when you are not singly hiding under your desk:

    Why is it that farmers selling inter-provincially, have to make a payment to the CWB, when CWB Regulation 14.1 clearly states: "no fee shall be charged"?


    Parsley.Pick an answer'
    1.You don't understand(you're inferior)
    2.You are the enemy so I have no duty to you.
    3.We have always won in court so our lawyers are infallible.
    4.Various versions of "I hate you cause you're picking on me"


      I have to pick #1.

      I'm confused winwin.

      I just re-read Rod Flaman's 2000 election promises, and it's hard to make sense of what he says now compared to what he said then.

      Holy moley.

      Same guy.

      Split personality?

      Had a bad dream this week?

      I'll post it in the next thread.

      What is he saying in his Librano election campaign?

      No wonder he gets cranky/name-calling if his mind is constantly being inundated with Board spam.



        From website - part of Rod Flaman short speech during 2000 election

        Commodity prices are in the toilet and most of us have no where to turn.

        'This isn.'t a problem that appeared over the summer. This situation has been brewing for the last 40 years. I was born into this system.

        I was never asked if this is the way I wanted farming to be on the prairies. This system was never designed for the success of the prairie farmer.

        We prairie farmers have been whittled down in numbers to a point that our political voice has been nearly extinguished.

        We must scream for our right to survive. We need change and we need it now!

        Bill C-4 was passed to facilitate change to the Canadian Wheat Board and the Wheat Industry here on the prairies.

        We need to elect farmers to steer the Canadian Wheat Board in a direction that will guarantee the survival of prairie farmers.

        The status quo will destroy farming as we know it given enough time. The industry is changing around us. The world is changing so rapidly it is stressing all of us to the limit.

        If we resist change the stress will destroy us.

        The change we need most desperately is fteedom.

        The fteedom to seek out the best markets. The fteedom to add value to our commodities. The fteedom to take charge of our own destiny.

        We need a competitive system. We need grain companies that buy on a competitive basis.

        We need a grain transportation system that will compete for our business and be accountable.

        We need grain handlers at the West Coast and Thunder Bay who work to get our business and pay for their own mistakes.

        Written by Rod Flaman. Election time.

        uh huh.

        Need I say more?


          I'm going to print that off and use it when I run for the CWB elections.It's beautiful.Says it all.
          Just goes to show you how somebody can crack/or be bought off so easy.So cheap.
          Go to John Mccain's bio on WIckopedia.After 5 years of torture and starvation he was still telling the Hanoi commies to F-OFF.
          Vader gets 50 grand and the taste of a few cocktail weenies and he's ready to sell his allies,his principles,his integrity down the toilet.


            Yooooooohooooooo Vader, are you hiding under the bed?

            Where are you when the hard questions come up?



              I'll add to what you say >>Vader gets 50 grand and the taste of a few cocktail weenies and he's ready to sell his allies,his principles,his integrity down the toilet.<<

              Rod/Vader had several charges of failing to present an export permit and several charges of removing a seized vehicle from Canada customs when he was elected a director. The CWB made those charges disappear.


                wedino, I found this letter on:


                A Letter to Mr. Ritter
                Mr. Ritter:

                I promised myself 4 years ago I would never become involved in CWB politics - because I detest it with a passion. But, you, Mr. Ritter, have stepped over the line when you say Jim is doing nothing more than grandstanding. He's standing alright, and it's grand!

                The decision to go to jail was not made lightly and it's also not all about your sacred Wheat Board.

                The decision was made with a great deal of soul-searching with lots and lots of tears shed and many sleepless nights! It was a family decision. It affects our entire family from Jim & I, to our children, and mostly our 9 beautiful grandchildren.

                It's about standing tall for your principles. It's about ethics and strong morals. It's about honesty and integrity. And it's about believing in democracy and freedom.

                It's my understanding you are totally unfamiliar with all the above! You know it! I know it! God definitely knows it.

                I am so PROUD of what Jim has done, as are his children and grandchildren.

                He will go down in Canadian history as a hero to his children & grandchildren and to thousands of farmers & fellow Canadians. What a legacy to leave!

                You and Mr. Flamen on the other hand, will go down in history as the guys from Saskatchewan who were turtles and turncoats.

                You betrayed the farmers and friends who elected you. What a legacy to your children & grandchildren!

                I feel very sorry for you because in this life of ours it's what we leave our children and grandchildren that really matters.

                As Jim says: "It is better to fail with honour than win by deceit."

                Olive Chatenay





                  Priceless indeed, Parsley. Olive Chatenay eloquently articulated the absence of integrity in the socialist credo "the end justifies the means".
                  They have no shame.....Bill


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