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Show up and Stand Up or Stay Home and Knit

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    Show up and Stand Up or Stay Home and Knit

    Tired of Pissing and Moaning?

    Only farmers can solve their problems.

    The Government is not going to do it for you. Viterra is probably hoping you don't do anything, period. The CWB will do it TO you.

    The very worst thing that can happen at the meeting is nothing. But maybe this meeting will offer some relief from what farmers have to endure. What have you got to lose?

    March 6, 2008
    2:00 PM
    McKenna Auditorium
    313 - 3rd St. South
    Weyburn, SK

    The stars are lining up for change with an unprecedented bull market in the commodities, but in some cases Western Canadian farmers will receive less than 50% of World prices.

    "I look forward to seeing all of you in Weyburn on the 6th of March." - James Chatenay, Acclaimed CWB Elected Director, District 2.

    It is unjust to throw farmers in jail in one part of the country and not in the other for doing the same thing: growing and selling their own grain.
    It is also wrong to use pool money to fight those who want their freedom and strongly believe in a better system without the CWB monopoly.
    The average price for your grain, sold through the CWB is just not good enough anymore.

    Marketing Choice Meetings

    Goal: To be front-page news from Vancouver to St. Johns, the week before the next Federal Election.

    March 6, 2008
    2:00 PM
    McKenna Auditorium
    313 - 3rd St. South
    Weyburn, SK

    Unprecedented Support From:

    Malt Barley Industry Association
    Western Grain Elevator Association
    Western Barley Growers
    Western Wheat Growers
    Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
    Marketing Choice Alliance
    Alberta & Saskatchewan Governments

    Things to Consider:

    the Harper government took it upon themselves to expedite barley marketing in the courts (next available court date was 2 years into the future)
    the Americans have exported 25% more Durum wheat than they grow!
    It's not our intention to flood Montana and North Dakota with Western Canadian grain, but without free and open markets, there will be no value-added industry in the West. No pasta, no malt barley and no flour!!! Investment in these industries will not be held hostage to the CWB!

    Export Permit

    Pedigree Seed Growers - Free
    Manufactured Feed Processors - Free
    Quebec - Free
    Ontario - Free
    B.C. - Free
    Organic Producers - Less than $5 per tonne

    We have to insist that the Minister issue free permits, and from an entity other than the CWB

    CWB Fall Elections: In the even there is no spring election, we have to push the emotion of the Bull Commodity Market into next fall's CWB Director Elections. It is the only enduring way to prevent subsequent Liberal governments from re-establishing the Wheat Board Monopoly.

    Any of these meetings for Alberta?

    Don't suppose our progressives here in ab would support something like this even if there wasn't an election coming down.


      This was the only notice of meeting nestled in my Inbox when I got home from the WBGA conference.

      I marked my calandar though.




        You have been quite eager to cast dispersions of lack of honour (there's a u in there) and integrity towards a few Agri-villers lately.

        Vader said "Francisco - I don't care who you are. But as long as I don't know who you are you have no credibility or honor as far as I am concerned."

        Vader said "who is chaffmeister - no credibility and no honor when you have to hide behind you anonymous handle."

        Rod/Vader let's see how much honour and character you have.

        How about you committing to attending Jim's meeting in Weyburn and speaking at it?

        How about you stand before the dozens if not hundreds of farmers who you once stood beside in the fight for the freedom to market wheat and barley and explain to them why you abandonded them? What your motivations were? What overwhelming evidence you became privy to, that caused you to abandon such a deep rooted principle as freedom?

        Rod, it's easy cast dispersions here on Agri-ville, but my guess is you don't have the guts to stand there in the flesh before all those real farmers who you knew and befriended as a member of Farmers for Justice and speak to them like you speak to those of us here on Agri-ville.

        But Rod, I challenge you to prove me wrong, prove to me and prove to the entire Agri-ville community that you are a man of integrity who will stand before the enemy (farmers who want choice), hold your ground, make your case and not run away crying like the coward many think you are.

        Do that, and maybe, just maybe you'll earn some of the respect that your imagination has led you to think that you deserve.

        You claim your Born Again, come out and show us all the error of our ways.

        Explain to us all how being a partisan political candidate (LIBERAL) AND holding a position as a director of a federal agency which is embroiled in a major policy fight with the federal government which is controlled by your chief political opponen(CONSERVATIVES)
        doesn't put you in a conflict of interest.

        Explain to us all, in the flesh, how this conflict of interest doesn't cast a shadow on the entire CWB Board of Directors?

        Explain to all us simple farmers why you as a grower of organic wheat are priveledged to get $5/t export licences and other growers need to pay $150/t or $300/t or $450/t in order to aquire a licence?

        Again Vader, prove us all wrong and show up and defend your actions and your decisions as a director of the cwb.


          I doubt very much that Vader will show up in that alligator pit.
          Vader was elected a director, with the support of the Southeast on market choice.Then he stuck a knife in the back of the supporters,and gave it a twist.
          Vader would have to bolt on a big pair
          of steel ones to show up.



            He needs to bolt some grey matter onto his tongue.

            He wants to make a living with his tongue.

            He should defend himself with his tongue at Weyburn.

            If he can.



              I will definitely be attending and bringing a busload of marketchoice supporters. Lets spread the word and make this a rally that no one can ignore. If the CWB truley represents farmers they will have somekind of represenstation at this meeting to address the questions that have gone to long un-answered. Vader, I believe this is your district, show some leadership and attend so can hear what the majority has to say.


                I talked to one guy, yesterday,and he was organizing a busload from north-east SK region.

                Another guy today had heard about it, and was organizing an out of province bus for 40, thus, he called me to see if I knew anything about the city of Weyburn.

                Let's put it best this way:
                It should be an interesting affair.



                  What area highwayman?

                  Your bus full?



                    Funny story about weyburn and anarchy.

                    Around 18(i think) years ago several hundred of the Teens of weyburn had an uprising of their own called the weyburn egg war.Being a teen and there at the time i can tell you that all law and order did break down and the kids ruled the streets with thousands of eggs.The police did their best but were powerless against us.They thought it was an isolated inscedent and it was forgot.

                    Until the next year........

                    The kids never forgot the prior year.

                    Eggs had been stocked up months in advance.All the kids,teens,and some grown ups were ready.This time the number swelled to well over a thousand.

                    We made the national news.
                    The police chief called us savages.
                    The water cannons from the fire trucks only "egged" us on.

                    The year after that.Everything short of the military was brought into weyburn.The police started playing no more mister nice guy.If you had an omlette for breakfast they gave you a fine.

                    A person could draw all sorts of conclusions from that event.

                    My own personal one-"civil disobedience is just plain fun


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