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Spring Crop Choices in the UK

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    Spring Crop Choices in the UK

    Spring Malting Barley has a 10 karat sheen to it, don't you think? :


    Single Farm Payment 210
    Projected Nov Price 207
    Projected Yield/Hectare 6.5
    Crop Output/Hectare 1346
    Total Output/Hectare 1556
    Seed 55
    Ferilizer 90
    Crop protection 90
    Total Variable Cost/Hectare 235
    Gross Margin/Hectare 1321

    Ah, being part of the Commonwealth is grand.


    Don't you think that this is totally irrelevant to Canadian producers? Their system is different from ours in many respects. Or are you contemplating re-locating? If so..ta ta, and best of luck.


      Here's another choice a farmer has in the UK


      Spring Choices

      Sitting down and comparing!

      In Canada, how do we get Government and professionals even interested in this kind of calculating, let alone providing it to farmers?

      UK Farmer can chose to grow SPRING WHEAT MILLING

      Single Farm Payment 210
      Projected Nov Price 160
      Projected Yield/Hectare 6.7
      Crop Output/Hectare 1072
      Total Output/Hectare 1282
      Seed 62
      Ferilizer 110
      Crop protection 95
      Total Variable Cost/Hectare 267
      Gross Margin/Hectare 1015

      Good information for a farmer.

      I have other UK crops for farmers to compare returns, beans, peas, flax, etc.



        say pars, what do the flax numbers look like over there??


          Hopefully all farmers are doing this type of number crunching for their business. Government and Sask Ag in particular have been providing this information (based on average costs) for years. All consultants I know start with developing the cost and cash flow side of an individual business in making marketing recommendations/developing a plan.

          Averages are okay but everyone needs to know their individual costs (not an average or those of their neighbor) to make informed decisions. If a farmer fails to plan, they plan to fail.


            SPRING LINSEED

            Farmers choice to seed, boarderbloke

            British pounds

            Single Farm Payment 240
            Projected Nov Price 300
            Projected Yield/Hectare 1.6
            Crop Output/Hectare 480
            Total Output/Hectare 720
            Seed 60
            Ferilizer 70
            Crop protection 70
            Total Variable Cost/Hectare 200
            Gross Margin/Hectare 520



              thanks, Pars.



                Now, I can understand why you don't care about grain pricing. About grain income!

                Other farmers, though, think it is important to have a benchmark, and you get one by knowing what other farmers are paid, and spend.

                My my. Groan.

                Back to the sand, wilagro. Does your head ever get sore?


                  EU Malt Prices 2 Row
                  2007 Crop

                  US $DOLLARS

                  Oct/06 $425
                  Nov/06 $450
                  Dec/06 $475
                  Jan/07 $460
                  Feb/07 $460
                  Mar/07 $490
                  Apr/07 $495
                  May/07 $560
                  Jun/07 $560
                  July/07 $600
                  Aug/07 $680
                  Sept/07 $750
                  Oct/07 $805
                  Nov/07 $810
                  Dec/07 $780



                    EU Malt Prices 2 Row

                    2008 Crop

                    US $DOLLARS/tonne

                    Apr/07 $475
                    May/07 $560
                    Jun/07 $560
                    July/07 $580
                    Aug/07 $600
                    Sept/07 $700
                    Oct/07 $740
                    Nov/07 $700
                    Dec/07 $725



                      Well said Wilagro, I often think the same with the endless CDN/US price comparisons.
                      To highlight the UK scenario better arable land in eastern England averaged over CDN $9000 per acre last year but larger tracts of farmland often sold in excess of $13,000 per acre. How much of your margin is eaten up paying for the land at these prices? Much of that expensive land was sitting under water last summer too so don't believe everyone over there is getting rich.


                        What is their rent?


                          I'm not up on current land rental prices but know that very little land over there is rented out on a cash basis like it is here. Long term farm tenancies were probably paying around $120 an acre back in 2000. We paid as much as $400 an acre for 6 month pasture rental pre 2000. That was chasing extra forage acres to be eligible for "extensification" subsidies. Different world - different systems - different problems. No relevance to current grain prices in Canada or the cwb.


                            Ok, let me get this straight.
                            So what you’re saying is that our having lower grain prices than everyone else in the world is a good thing because it devalues our farmland?


                              The point of the U.K. maltsters presentation was the following.

                              Farmers in the UK (and Canada) make decisions about to grow (including pasture for livestock) based on profit potential per acre.

                              Barley production in the UK, Canada and for that matter the world has been declining. A strong indication that barley profit potential per acre is declining relative to other alternatives.

                              UK malsters have recognized this and are working to towards stronger value chain relationships and profitable farmer prices to encourage forward contracting/other arrangements. UK brewers and distillers have been willing to take on more risk in innovative programs to ensure adequate volumes contracted.

                              Moral: In the UK, malt barley is moving from a commodity to high valued product in a value chain. This requires all members of this chain to work together to meet each others profit objectives, product requirements and abilities to manage risk.


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