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Spring Crop Choices in the UK

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    never heard of it. want to fill us in? i don't know why old paisley hauls that one out. maybe it's still popular in her crowd!


      Trying to keep on topic and failing.

      The presentation was about creating opportunities for malt barley in the UK. Value chain relationships are considered a necessity by all members of the supply chain.

      What is happening in Canada to be more competitive in growing malt barley and enhance signals along the supply chain? Or is everyone in the supply chain your enemy to be mistrusted and bad mouthed. Sorry ranting.

      Will note Chinese brewers are reducing the amount of malt barley used in beer and have even developed beers (or near beers) that use no malt barley.


        We'll have 100,000% inflation someday.


          I guess I made an error, as I was confused, in that it is epsom salts which is administered for an appetite which causes upset stomach. Carelessness. Sorry, charliep.

          jensend, these charts are not about comparisons, although I did note an enticing high price or two, that make the CWB prices seem, ah, er, in the toilet.

          Look at the charts, though.

          The FARMER cna make a choice,

          He can contract or not.

          He can pick what is beneficial for his rotation.

          He can choose to not grow for these available markets. Or grow.

          Novel idea, isn't it?



            still not a valid comparison unless you discount the direct per hectare payment and then go from gross margins to actual nets because they will have different cost structure. can always count on you to take the discussion to a lower level once i discredit your premise. bye, now.


              Just got back from Europe.
              Lovely interesting place.

              But I couldn,t see much in that crowded, obsenely subsidized and highly protected area that we can relate to here in terms of agriculture. I,m not saying it,s doesn,t affect us. Just a different world.


                They grow stuff = we grow stuff
                they sell stuff = we sell stuff
                they eat stuff = we eat stuff

                Seems to me we do have things in common.


                  "can always count on you to take the discussion to a lower level"

                  I'm with you, jensend, I'm with you.

                  "still not a valid comparison", you say.

                  I presume you are referring to comparing the charts to the CWB.

                  I thought I had mentioned that these charts were not aimed at that specific comparison, but I wrote it in English, so perhaps another language would have been better understood.


                  We grow durum stuff
                  Italy makes/sells us pasta stuff
                  We buy pasta stuff
                  They stuff away their cash.
                  We get stuffed.
                  Hopefully not stiffed.

                  So where does one stuff your irrelevancy-stuff argument, wilagro? lol



                    For what its worth Wheat Gross Margin Aust
                    Crop expenses per ha $160
                    Crop Income at 2t/ha $720

                    Gross Margin $560 per ha

                    my land is valued at $750 per ha

                    Sorry for the irrelevance......


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