This looks like a whole bunch of interesting stuff and would take a more than a few hours to get through.
Better go for the 24 sack at the liquor store this afternoon.You might be infront of your computer a while.
I was "trolling" through an american chat site and stumbled across an interesting discussion.
Some guys were chatting about this Ag outlook forum(what the link is) and some Taffel guy stood up and said that at the first and last 5 minutes of trading 160-180- billion of computer controlled hedge fund money was moving in the commodity markets AND 160-200 billion of passive index money was also moving.I havent been able to find this particular presentation yet.If somebody does please direct me.
This is the kind of thing that spooks me.
This looks like a whole bunch of interesting stuff and would take a more than a few hours to get through.
Better go for the 24 sack at the liquor store this afternoon.You might be infront of your computer a while.
I was "trolling" through an american chat site and stumbled across an interesting discussion.
Some guys were chatting about this Ag outlook forum(what the link is) and some Taffel guy stood up and said that at the first and last 5 minutes of trading 160-180- billion of computer controlled hedge fund money was moving in the commodity markets AND 160-200 billion of passive index money was also moving.I havent been able to find this particular presentation yet.If somebody does please direct me.
This is the kind of thing that spooks me.