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    Someday i'll tell you guys about my real battle with shorts.


      Boxers or briefs. Its the age old dilemma



        You will have to enlighten me with struggle with shorts but on another thread and hopefully without the four letter friend getter.

        My knowledge of the futures market says that for every buyer (potential long), there is a seller (potential short) in a transaction. I say potential because may be exiting the futures position in which case volume is good. Some may also hold a position in the physical market (inventory to sell/plan on growing or have a requirement to purchase at some point in the future - position even in the market or hedged. Maybe our definition of shorts and longs is different.


          The head guy from Pipestone was just on Yorkton Radio with his dream, Here is it in a NUT SHELL> Same as Custom Cattle feeders.
          HM any one who goes with this kind of group have fun your days as a owner operator are numbered.


            Our definitions are not different just our knowledge of the broad market.

            I doubt i post even 10% of what i actually think is happening market wise(been ridiculed enough).


              Thanks for the input. I am somewhat nervous of losing the land base, but I think I will have to negotiate a different split somehow. Surely 35% would be enough expense to show for the tax man. Hell I'd even take a hefty raise in my cash rent, no risk to him but I think it's all an accounting thing that he's more concerned about.

              Appreciate your opinions, thanks again.



                Good luck Steve, does he want to keep this arrangement for 5 years time when canola could be 5.00 again? I would try to bump up his cash rent (or pay him in grain? Contract 15 bu/ac @ 15$=$225 gross. Let him pay for 1/2 the fert/chem/seed should net him around $75/ac. Good money for him and reasonable for you? (or 10 bu/ac depending on area etc.)
                I much prefer cash rent (even when it was too wet to seed this year my landlords still got paid and I didnt have to listen about how if I had pulled out the plow last fall instead of this no-till everything would have been fine)


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