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Up and Down?

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    Up and Down?

    Funds are in total control so hang on the ride is rough. Yesterday on the DPC through our beloved CWB I lost close to $25,000.00 in one day, Or in real terms the Lease on my 9530T that I was looking at. What Really Pissed me O-- is on Monday when the Market went nuts I was expecting to see the DPC hitting what I wanted $20.00 and it was gone. That's my number but the CWB with their Goo dale math (only a few choice people in Canada really understand it, the formula with feds on equalization, yea hes a genius) increased by .40 cents on a $4.00 increase. Now if we were in a real open market I would have sold when it hit $24.00 on MGE - 2.00 basis and boom gone at 22.00 - 1.70 freight and were their. But because the CWB knows better we had a .40 increase then on the first down day Tuesday they actually go up to $18.95 but not their so you wait and boom the next day they nail you. Oh well that's living in CWB bubble.
    But enough complaining the world is still short good quality HRS.

    i am also waiting for 20 on my last of the dpc, we were close, but i will be patient....it will a long time before new crop milling wheat comes off....we waited this long, will wait some more...

    we are still sitting on our complete 2cwrs crop, the rails have been doing well up to this good stretch of weather, they are now 450 cars behind at my delivery point, go figure....

    this planned rail service review after bill c8 cannot come soon enough!!!!


      Arnold, Arnold, Arnold.


        snappy its not being a pig when the market goes up 4.00 in one day and the CWB goes up .20 cents. yet on way down it drops same as market still $1.00 less than average elevator. This system along with whole CWB is a JOKE.


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