This week might be interesting.
The stars are lining up for change with an unprecedented bull market in the commodities, but in some cases Western Canadian farmers will receive less than 50% of World prices.
"I look forward to seeing all of you in Weyburn on the 6th of March." - James Chatenay, Acclaimed CWB Elected Director, District 2.
It is unjust to throw farmers in jail in one part of the country and not in the other for doing the same thing: growing and selling their own grain.
It is also wrong to use pool money to fight those who want their freedom and strongly believe in a better system without the CWB monopoly.
The average price for your grain, sold through the CWB is just not good enough anymore.
Marketing Choice Meetings
Goal: To be front-page news from Vancouver to St. Johns, the week before the next Federal Election.
March 6, 2008
2:00 PM
McKenna Auditorium
313 - 3rd St. South
Weyburn, SK
Unprecedented Support From:
Malt Barley Industry Association
Western Grain Elevator Association
Western Barley Growers
Western Wheat Growers
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
Marketing Choice Alliance
Alberta & Saskatchewan Governments
Things to Consider:
.. the Harper government took it upon themselves to expedite barley marketing in the courts (next available court date was 2 years into the future)
.. the Americans have exported 25% more Durum wheat than they grow!
It's not our intention to flood Montana and North Dakota with Western Canadian grain, but without free and open markets, there will be no value-added industry in the West. No pasta, no malt barley and no flour!!! Investment in these industries will not be held hostage to the CWB!
Export Permit
Pedigree Seed Growers - Free
Manufactured Feed Processors - Free
Quebec - Free
Ontario - Free
B.C. - Free
Organic Producers - Less than $5 per tonne
We have to insist that the Minister issue free permits, and from an entity other than the CWB
CWB Fall Elections: In the even there is no spring election, we have to push the emotion of the Bull Commodity Market into next fall's CWB Director Elections. It is the only enduring way to prevent subsequent Liberal governments from re-establishing the Wheat Board Monopoly.
The stars are lining up for change with an unprecedented bull market in the commodities, but in some cases Western Canadian farmers will receive less than 50% of World prices.
"I look forward to seeing all of you in Weyburn on the 6th of March." - James Chatenay, Acclaimed CWB Elected Director, District 2.
It is unjust to throw farmers in jail in one part of the country and not in the other for doing the same thing: growing and selling their own grain.
It is also wrong to use pool money to fight those who want their freedom and strongly believe in a better system without the CWB monopoly.
The average price for your grain, sold through the CWB is just not good enough anymore.
Marketing Choice Meetings
Goal: To be front-page news from Vancouver to St. Johns, the week before the next Federal Election.
March 6, 2008
2:00 PM
McKenna Auditorium
313 - 3rd St. South
Weyburn, SK
Unprecedented Support From:
Malt Barley Industry Association
Western Grain Elevator Association
Western Barley Growers
Western Wheat Growers
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange
Marketing Choice Alliance
Alberta & Saskatchewan Governments
Things to Consider:
.. the Harper government took it upon themselves to expedite barley marketing in the courts (next available court date was 2 years into the future)
.. the Americans have exported 25% more Durum wheat than they grow!
It's not our intention to flood Montana and North Dakota with Western Canadian grain, but without free and open markets, there will be no value-added industry in the West. No pasta, no malt barley and no flour!!! Investment in these industries will not be held hostage to the CWB!
Export Permit
Pedigree Seed Growers - Free
Manufactured Feed Processors - Free
Quebec - Free
Ontario - Free
B.C. - Free
Organic Producers - Less than $5 per tonne
We have to insist that the Minister issue free permits, and from an entity other than the CWB
CWB Fall Elections: In the even there is no spring election, we have to push the emotion of the Bull Commodity Market into next fall's CWB Director Elections. It is the only enduring way to prevent subsequent Liberal governments from re-establishing the Wheat Board Monopoly.