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Redvers CWB Meeting

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    Redvers CWB Meeting

    Its the little points that really tell the underlying tone and dynamics of a meeting. The usual joke was missing from both the introduction and the whole presentation. Mr Klippenstein had a little slip of the tongue when he asked everyone to be sure to sign the register so HE would know how many meals HE was paying for. There also wasn't any shortage of questions; and time after time different people expressed some critical comments on CWB returns for various grains. As the meeting was dragging on too long for the seemingly very few vocal CWB supporters; the crowd seemed to thin and all questions seemed somewhat critical of CWB performance.
    More than once MR Klippenstein cut off questions by saying its time to get off the "sidetrack" of debating the "fundamentals" of the CWB.
    It was a good day for some; and probably one that others are glad is over.

    What was said about the new CWB producer pricing options. Some indication from the Mundare meeting that the DPC and the FPC are likely to be combined into one program. A farmer has to indicate how much they will contract prior to August 1 and then they have a year to price. Prices will no longer be a US northern tier price but rather a world price.


      I really don't know. One of the very few pro CWB comments sarcastically referred to the "marketing geniuses" present. On top of being called "greedy" "selfish" and a member of the "few rich farmers"; lately I'm just thinking that the CWB doesn't have any of the answers for a prosperous viable agriculture industry.


        Just trying to judge what is being said at the CWB director meetings. The agenda at Legal was (hopefully haven't forgot too much).

        Directors report and review of 2006/07 annual report.

        Market outlook.

        Review of producer pricing options (current including malt barley cashplus, some indication of proposed changes 2008/09).

        Issues the directors are focusing on.

        From I am hearing in Alberta, what is being said at the district meeting is different in each one depending on the director. Hopefully all meetings will have included a description of new programs and at least some discussion of them.


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