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2008 Saskatchewan Crop Insurance

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    Maybe the difference is that under supply management, prices delivered to producers are HIGHER than they are under the "free market" to the south of us.

    Just an off-the-wall thought that occurred to me. Maybe, just maybe, if I'm forced to sell to a monopoly (and about half of our gross income is from dairy) they'd better perform.


      There was an interesting scenario in a farm paper with a suggestion that buyers within Canada be offered a fixed yearly price , possibly higher than market , but guaranteeing supply with the balance marketed at world prices . The World marketed price would allow farmers to take the world market price either on a futures or cash basis. The domestic price would be offered to all on afirst come first serve basis. You asked, I answered.


        Please accept my apologies Kodiak.

        I do however continue to disagree. None of the examples you used are government created agencies which have over time taken responsibility in one area, for action on behalf of one segment of society. If for example our armed forces were run by an elected panel of High ranking officers, would you still expect the rank and file to be subject to forcing of their behaviouur? Or would some small group of soldiers be seen as within their rights to start a small war with Portugal over our rights to the fish off the grand banks?

        If the RCMP were run by a democratically elected managing council would the rest of the police be subject to rule of law or would they be able to earn a little extra take home pay by selling the contents of the evidence files from time to time? Not likely eh? because the individual is not above the elected agency.

        So I'm not suggesting that the cwb is above the government, that doesn't mean that the government should be able to make an end run around the larger majority of western grain growers that want to be able to market through the board. At the very least the government should follow the rules of interaction beween it and the board. At the best the government should leave the board to it's electing body. Us.



          No grain grower voted to establish the CWB monopoly... in 1996, when Ralph Goodale enacted it... with an order in Council... 15 minutes after the Manitoba Judge ruled against the CWB Monopoly.

          I don't recall having a grower plebicite approving the CWB Act changes in 1998, do you?

          When, in 1993... CDN fusarium infected wheat... was worth more in the US than high grade CWRS was in Canada... the CWB was exposed for what it is... a cash cow for big grain co's.

          Clue, how could CPS Feed wheat... have a $43/t higher buy back... that #1Milling grade?

          Because this system is broken.

          Quality is in the eye of the beholder... and when a buyer wants my wheat... and the CWB refuses me access to a premium market... that the CWB can not access... this in no way extracts a premium for my farm my community... or my nation.

          You have missed the point Tower... as has Agstar77.

          The CWB claims to extract a premium... when clearly for many of us... the CWB STOPS us from extracting a premium... and gives our grain away at rock bottom prices on average.

          THis is not happening in supply management. They are dealing with perishables by in large... They tighten up the supply chain, extract higher value... and the quota value reflects this added value.

          How much is our CWB quota worth Tower... Agstar77... `

          If the CWB was worth anything... it would be nation wide... like SM5.

          Obviously it (the CWB) is a burden/liability... not an asset.



            You show quite abit of arrogance when you say:
            Quality is in the eye of the beholder... and when a buyer wants my wheat... and the CWB refuses me access to a premium market... that the CWB can not access... this in no way extracts a premium for my farm my community... or my nation.

            You somehow have magical powers because you can access premium markets that the CWB cannot. WOW. Outstanding. You are some kind of sorcerer.


              Cchurch go to the coast and see how your grain is mixed when loaded onto a ship. The CWB gets NO Premiums they have Deals with Companies like Warbaton to SUPPLY product that's it. Their not Price setters their Price takers. Why do you think it took till March for price of Flour to go up in Eastern Canada. HM the $4.75 bushel wheat was used up now and these guys finally are paying what it has been on the world market since November. AGstar you answer a question with a question you sure your not really Ralphy boy in disguise.



                Your discussion with Kodiak had my interest until you slipped. It's when you said:

                "... the larger majority of western grain growers that want to be able to market through the board."

                This is the nub of the problem in this discussion. It won't go away.

                The argument is about the SINGLE DESK. The SINGLE DESK is what some call the CWB's MONOPOLY POWER.




                THE MINORITY OF FARMERS SAY 'PLEASE KEEP THE SINGLE DESK'. (Which means you also keep the CWB intact as it is.)

                So let's stop the verbal dance. If you want to keep the single desk, just say so. But don;t try to pretend that the majority of farmers want it too.

                They don't.


                  The magic number that is being given around for premium extracted from the board is $15 to $20/T.
                  However, in some of the talks I had at grain world with single desk directors, they can not agree on this number. One even told me, and I made him repeat it 2 or 3 times that the premium was not that much. He said the real value of the CWB is its influence against the railways and the likes.
                  Now for even for $15/T, is the single desk worth keeping?
                  Besides that check all the developed countries wheat prices over the last 10 years. What are the masses scared about?



                    .40 cents a bushel the answer is NO.
                    A minority are forcing a Majority to keep this system. Their is no Premium.



                      Do you understand that there are people in this world, that do not appreciate the CWB AT ALL... because they can undercut their business any time of the day... because the CWB HAS NO COST OF SALES... because everything must go through the pool.

                      PRICE DISCRIMINATION the CWB calls it. Others... in many other countries... call it jaw snapping market freezing... UNDERCUTTING of Prices.

                      SO these folks want do deal with Canadian grain growers... in the 'designated area' who have some market discipline.

                      SHould be their choice... if they want to deal with my farm... and not the CWB!!

                      Sorry if the FACTS don't line up with your vision of the world... cchurch.

                      This is not about arrogance... it is about marketing... and some of the world knows about the CWB and how they treat their SLAVES.

                      Remember what Chairman Ritter said...

                      You can get alot more done with a GUN and a smile...than with just a smile!

                      Others in the world don't appreciate these points quite like you do CCHURCH.


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