chaffmeister, you say the argument is about SINGLE DESK, WELL YOU'RE WRONG.. MAYBE FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE AS A TRADER IT'S ABOUT SINGLE DESK. MAYBE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE 14% THAT VOTED TO GET RID OF THE WHOLE DAMN THING IT'S ABOUT THE SINGLE DESK. and maybe for the 32% who voted to keep things as they are it's about single desk.
FINE, THE OTHER 54% AT LEAST WANT THE OPTION. from my point of view that means that we, well maybe not you, but we farmers, should do a study to determine if the board would be there as the option that 86% of farmers want, if the board loses it's buying power.
FINE, THE OTHER 54% AT LEAST WANT THE OPTION. from my point of view that means that we, well maybe not you, but we farmers, should do a study to determine if the board would be there as the option that 86% of farmers want, if the board loses it's buying power.