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CWB survey

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    CWB survey

    Speaking to a friend last nite who got an extensive and LONG call from a contractor for the CWB.Any other recipients out there? Were you offended by the questions?


    I have a neighbour who had the same call.

    One Question that really got his attention... was about Minister Ritz talking about the CWB 'Blowing away in the wind".

    My neighbor simply commented that he did not know within what context the statement had been made... so he could not comment.

    A Very aggressive survey... asking Very controversial statements... that were said to be done on behalf of the CWB.


      Got a call today at 12:45 from NRG Research with about 10 minutes of questions regarding marketing with the CWB. Questions covered a wide range, the PRO's, EPO's, forward contracts, cash advances, local CWB rep., web site, electronic services, cash plus, ID contracts, their 800 number, etc. In fact she had a question pertaining to every disfunctional program the CWB has ever instituted.
      Some questions required a yes or no answer, others were choice of 1 to 5, with 1 being very unsatisfactory and 5 being very satisfactory. Just for the record she did get a lot of 1 answers from me. Believe me, this was one survey I really enjoyed doing.



        Earl Geddies said the survey was going on till the 17th...at the meeting in Provost.

        I talked to another neighbour this morning... who thought much the same as you.

        My brother was asked to do the survey... but since they would not pay him... and would not directly say who it was for... he refused to do it.

        I think that should count for a #1... all the way through!

        The Survey was biased against the present government... what the intent is, is yet to be determined.



          I would bet it's their annual survey. It will be interesting to see how it compares to last year, or how they spin it.


            Zaphod..........now why would they `spin` it.........shouldn`t this be factual information from/for farmers to better the corporation`s service to it`s members???????? Shoot...there I go again thinking this is for us...I know better too.What with all those good benefits,profitability,grain movement,accountability,free CIGI tours!!!!!Maybe they`ll have to give a larger cross section of producers the CIGI treatment!Come on guys, all expense(less booze)trips to Winnipeg!Why do they only select a few when we all pay??????


              Not sure how you get biased against the present gov't. It was easy and clear, yes, no or 1 or 5. Can't imagine responding with anything other than 1 or 5 for the 1 to 5 questions.
              The gov't should run an exact survey so that the CWB cannot spin it. Everyone needs to respond to this survey. It was good. If you are unhappy about the CWB then do the survey it gives you opportunity to say what you think, it asks you clearly why you are number 1, very happy so you can clearly explain.


                The lady I had doing the survey typed down word for word my explanations. Thought it was very good.



                  Where can I do the survey?


                    From the NRG's webpage:


                    NRG claims:
                    "Some important reasons we conduct focus groups include:
                    To obtain impressions of new products, services, and communications
                    To stimulate ideas for creative concepts " UNQUOTE

                    Let's see if they are piddling on farmers' legs and telling you it's raining!
                    Give them the survey they have always wanted!

                    This is what they say they need:

                    To participate in a focus group
                    If you are interested in participating in a focus group please email us the following information to: es@nrgresearchgroup.com

                    with the subject line: focus group participation.

                    First and last name

                    Daytime and evening phone numbers

                    Email address

                    City of residence



                    We can compare and see how many got a reply.

                    Should be interesting.



                      Somebody says
                      is out of the office.

                      Try this one



                        Somebody says
                        is out of the office.

                        Try this one



                          Just wait Tom they may call.
                          It took 10 minutes for her to type all my answers for why I don't like the CWB and their programs. I picture your answers may take a couple hours.



                            An Export Licnese... Like Seed, Manufactured Feed, or Organic growers get in the 'designated area'... with the right to grow US wheat varieties... would be just fine...

                            And the CWB Directors can do this tomorrow... if they choose.

                            Just like the CWB -could- provide a daily transparent cash price... that would a big help... along with the right to arbitage the international market (with the low cost($3.38/t) export license)... when the CWB price offer is sub-par.


                              Just got the Call 5 minuets ago. What a Crock they were asking questions on the CWB Cash advance and how they are such good representatives of this program then on their marketing reps and finally their programs and a new one that they are working where farmers pledge grain before July 31 and grade and then can be out of the pool entirely just adjusted to the CWB Basis etc. Then a little on is the new Barley program better than the old well DA yes its better than the old but its still not even in the ball park. But their was no other questions on Barley.
                              So wait for the Spin doctors to spin results.
                              Funny though so much on Cash Advances.


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