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Sask3 Vacation Idea.........

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    Sask3 Vacation Idea.........

    ....... Got a Vacation Idea 4you. Why not Fly to Brazil and take a tour of The Back Country Down There. Report Back to us on what yous actually see there fer Growing Conditions, Crop Conditions, Bugs, Infrastructure, Ports, Grain Handling, Etc. Thats what We need is Someone that works 4us, Real Feet on The Ground. Now we would know forsure What The F is going on Down There, Cause I think, No I know We are being Fed a Bunch of Bullshit on how Big This Crop Gunna Be. THESE GRAIN MARKETS ARE BULLSHIT, Lock The F#ckin Bins Boys, Let em' Starve 4allIcare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow thanks that would be fun!
    Will get their some time.
    Off to Orlando later this week back in January.
    Haul grain!
    Then taking some cash to the Cayman wink wink.

    All kidding aside we need better info, what were
    getting out of South America I agree with is not
    quality info.
    A winter tour with farmers and industry reporting
    back would work. Problem industry thinks we're
    just dumb farmers!


      sask3 google church street station, if your going to orlando its a rare gem. A must go.


        Across fon may centre


          Amway! Centre


            Sout Amerikie has little or no
            infastructure to move their crops at the
            best of times. Many huge rat like animals
            eat the heck outta their production, and
            bugs, oh the bugs. Sooo worrryin about
            their production is pointless, unless ya
            want poor quality rotten beans to eat....


              If Theres Any Year that We's Need this Info from Down There, This is The Year!!!!! Gunna Make er Break Guys These Markets Keep UP. USDA F#cked us All Summer Long with That 166 Number. Yank's Winter Wheat Crop all BUT F#cked Too. Anyone see The US Drought Maps, Big Dry Gettin BIGGER. 2012 Gunna look like a Walk in The Park fer These Boys Down South, She Dont Rain Sooon. Besides Think of all The Wild Brazillian Women!!!!!!!!!! DO IT *****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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