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Fiscal cliff

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    Fiscal cliff

    So Boehner can't even getting his tea party
    douche bags to vote on tax increases over $1
    million dollars. I guess going back to 1 percent of
    the voters and saying that they need to take a tax
    hike is too daunting of a task. Give me a fricken
    break. And I would doubt that Obama will be able
    to get his fellow douche bag dems to vote on
    major cuts to social programs first. But hey,
    everyone head home for the holidays early
    because obviously this isn't that big of a deal.

    The idea that they will get a deal done because
    they have to is a croch of sh@t. They will
    ultimately go over th cliff or kick the can down the
    road again with a temporay deal.

    At the end of the day, Obama and Boehner arnt
    the problem.(I wouldnt but Reid in that category)
    It the rep and senators that are) its everyone else
    in the house and the senate.

    At the end of the day its a sovereign default.


      After the inauguration or before!


        I wonder if Washington will issue I.O.U.s like California did. -morbid laughing-


          Going over the fiscal cliff, in actuallity, means greater tax hikes on ALL earners, accompanied with program entitlement cuts and severe cuts to the military/military families. 50% of the cuts will come from the defense budget and the other 50% will be made up from all the other areas of gov't.
          Going over the cliff will address the annual budget shortfall more so than any deal that the two houses could possibly negotiate.
          The question is, will the forced budget sequestration be TOO MUCH AUSTERITY, TOO FAST?
          We all know, that even these forced measures, won't help the budget much or kick the can down the road very far.
          What happens next?


            Tough to tell the time line,europe and japan first i
            think,probably have a good war in the end.



              Read DTN.

              This was not going to be solved before year end... ever.

              Now Republicans can reduce the taxes... on Jan 2... from what they were Jan 1... and STILL increase taxes from what they are now. Win Win for everyone... on the political side of this deal.

              Just saying... this was totally predictable from a long way back... and the talks between China and the US... Canada and the US... Bank restructuring in the EU... all are GOOD signs for 2013. There is a parachute ready after they jump off the Cliff!



                No sorry,total world credit market debt is 340% world
                gdp,just like a whole lot of times before it WILL be
                written down.

                Its not if,its when.

                Welcome to the world of cost push inflation.


                  Bettcha they just print more cash and give
                  it out ta the same crooks ***** waiting
                  fer it, soos they kin get their Christmas
                  bonusess fer doin the good work they do to
                  amerkins each and every year.
                  NEWS FLASH: Texas allows teachers and
                  school authorities ta carry concealed
                  weapons, hence shooters be very aware in
                  Texas, what next concealed weapons fer the
                  children I guess"


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