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Hypothetical Nightmare

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    Hypothetical Nightmare

    I talked about this awhile back about what would
    really screw us farmers over and every other export
    based industry in canada that being-

    1-a giant leap in the dollar

    and more problems

    2-a jump in interest rates

    3-continueing high production costs

    4-a seize up in trade

    5-soft prices

    All of these problems could be easily manufactured
    by larger aggressive financial entities that are
    resource hungry.

    They could buy us out for pennies on the dollar.

    Call me paranoid,but if i was governor of the bank of
    canada i would head elsewhere oops.........

    Of course maybe its just the end of the world stuff
    making me think these things.

    6-seize up in credit


      One of the ways to stop this would be too print like
      crazy, keep the dollar low, interest rates low, and credit
      available. Problem with this though is that it may/will
      lead to high inflation/hyperinflation.

      Not sure what the answer is but I am glad that I am not
      the Governor of the BOC, as I suspect there is no right or
      easy answer.


        7. Cotton moves into his underground


          I don't think anything will "explode" out of nowhere. The world needs farmers. They need us to keep working like we do for a minimum wage. We are being "farmed" by the rest of the world. They control our lives. If we earn too much one year, steps are taken so it won't happen again. If we are suffering too much, steps are taken so we can feed and water ourselves and live for another year.


            its just like the carrot dangled in front of the donkey


              You are polar... something. Now your sounding bear.



                In the northern climes... we are discovering that
                perfect innoculation may increase maturity.

                It may be smart to reduce fungicides as they also
                increase maturity.

                A row crop planter WILL reduce emergence time... so
                don't pass on that one either... good seed placement is
                still KING for a good crop... in moist soil in a warm
                seed bed... kind of different from no till tendencies.



                  Increasing innoculant rates will speed up maturity. Pick daylength dependent varieties, seed only when soil temp stay above freezing at night. Use seed handling technique which do not damage seed, such as plasticaugers and low air speed.


                    Agee with grrrr. It has always been, that the
                    market or government offers just enough to be
                    fed and watered. The minute a farmer makes too
                    much profit, industry is right there to claw it back.
                    People left the farms because there was a better
                    living with less effort and more comfort pretty
                    much anywhere else. Those people who really
                    had "gumption" were/are very successful.
                    Some older farmers try to spin this into a
                    government conspiracy, but its not. Rural
                    depopulation is just a product of people realizing
                    their earning potential.


                      Hobby, that does not explain why farmers
                      are mostly extremely well off.


                        In other words, lay back and enjoy it,
                        cousin theys doin it ta ya time and time
                        again. Framers love challenges though.
                        Known ta be strange fellas, sell at
                        wholesale prices, buy at retail prices,
                        and pay the freight all the way to Chine.
                        Yup framers are funny fellows, aren't


                          Land value appreciation has been the good
                          fortune to many farmers. This could be why you
                          think farmers are "extremely"" well off. Myself
                          I barely broke even through the first 16 years of
                          farming. I would work in the city or oil patch in the
                          winters. Only in the last 6 years my net worth has
                          doubled on paper. It had nothing to do with my
                          skills or ability to manage a farm. Shithouse luck.
                          Nothing more.


                            wd9, farmers are like icebergs, only a little bit can be seen. no one knows what is underneath, whether a pile of gold or a huge borrowing.
                            many farmers earn less than their employees, esp tenant farmers.


                              Hobby and grrrr. Not sure what you mean. Since
                              when have you farmed for no income. I would say
                              in the last 5 years ( if you had a crop) there isn't
                              many industries as profitable. As for not making
                              money the year after doing well, its ourselves we
                              have to blame. No one else is running up the
                              price of land and rent. Sure fert and seed costs
                              more but every industry has those issues. Do you
                              think the oil industry doesn't have higher equip,
                              fuel, wages and higher lease costs etc?


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