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Diet and Nutrition

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    I guess the one thing that I forgot to say in my
    post above is that no matter how you choose
    to lose weight, they all are short term
    solutions. Like I said in my earlier post,
    working the body is the only way we will keep
    our weight off,naturally and healthier, and that
    is a lifetime goal. Like I once read " If your dog
    is overweight, then YOU are not getting
    enough exercise." When I lost my weight, that
    was so true, my dog who always came along
    lost weight also.


      DogPatch, Yes!!!!!


        Hey you overweight people here's a program for
        you. If you didn't push down all the trees on your
        land so you could keep yor fat ass going straight
        down the field get a wood burning system to heat
        your house and shop. I feel great out working my
        body making wood. As a bonus you also lower
        your heating bill. Never worry about what I eat I
        burn it off. I still fit the same suit I bought 21 years
        ago. Can't imagine how sluggish 250 pounders
        feel. I start to feel lazy if I don't get out and start
        moving. No I'm not a wood stove salesman


          Good to see all you guys living a healthy lifestyle. It might buy you another 5 years in the old folks home!


            What i find interesting is the science behind it all.

            My wife was dieting a month before me and had been
            exercising her ass off with no results.

            When i figured out what was going on i added up a
            typical meal for her for a day and it was over
            200grams of carbs-no wonder.

            One week on this and she is down 4 pounds.

            I really think this could be a game changer for
            farmers,the stuff jeff voleck has done is amazing.

            In a nut shell if your body is keto adapted you have a
            constant source of energy,your body fat(an athlete
            with 3% body fat has an 110,000kcal energy
            reserve),but if your running on carbs you constantly
            need to fuel up,many athletes are switching to this.

            Your whole metabolic structure changes and all the
            studies done show major health improvements,to
            many to go into here.


              Can't believe an Ag site with a commodity marketing
              forum is talking about this kind of thing. To me thats
              great.. ASRG I don't worry about the old folks home
              much. I follow the motto "live long drop dead". At the
              risk of opening a whole new can of worms i have no
              intention of going into "the old folks home" system as
              it is now and if i do i hope i have no idea i am in there.


                Should explain "changer for farmers"-at harvest and
                seeding you would have much more energy.


                  Hopper;you can drink hard alcohol,no carbs,wine a
                  few carbs,beer sadly no.


                    Cotton, since you're now a nutrionista,
                    how is it that hard alcohol contains no
                    carbs yet if you burn it can expend
                    tremendous energy?

                    Athletes are NOT switching to low carb.
                    They simply have no energy:


                    One of the major symptoms of a low carb
                    diet is the poor function of a carb
                    starved brain.


                      I wonder if we might have a misunderstanding on how many carbs we need. If I were to eat the amount of bread/muffins/toast/donuts that I did when I was 30 year younger I'd be like the Michelin Man.

                      So there are likely two things in play here - one being sudden weight loss and the other being matching what we eat to what we need at this later stage in life.

                      The sudden weight loss was my initial objective, but now I am trying to move into the second phase, walking, rather than rolling into old age!


                        Alcohol is the first thing a body uses as an energy

                        If you take in to many carbs insulin turns those carbs
                        to body fat.

                        Not a nutrinista,just relaying the message.


                          On Dr Oz today he suggested that we need a certain amount of insulin. Too high and too low are not healthy.
                          Too low and the body goes into starvation mode using up fat and muscle.

                          Quote..,"Carbohydrates stored in the body are known as glycogen. The majority of glycogen is stored in your liver, but some is stored in your muscle and a minimal amount is found in your blood.

                          Muscle glycogen is vital for physical activity because it affects both the length of time you can exercise and the intensity level of that exercise. Low levels of muscle glycogen decrease the time you are able to exercise at your maximum potential, thereby negatively affecting your overall performance and energy.Research conducted on soccer players found that players with low levels of muscle glycogen covered 24 percent less distance, 50 percent of which was covered by walking, when compared to soccer players with adequate muscle glycogen stores. Without sufficient muscle glycogen, exercise is fueled by fat and protein (which are inefficient energy sources) and the intensity of that exercise is typically less than 50 percent of your ability.
                          Unlike muscle glycogen stores, liver glycogen stores are required for “brain food.” Liver glycogen is converted to glucose (energy) in the liver and released into the bloodstream to maintain a normal blood sugar level.


                            And in a diabetic who has gone low you
                            inject glucagon to counteract that low
                            blood sugar. Its like anti insulin and
                            keeps a type 1 diabetic from their brain
                            shutting down, pass out, and die.

                            Interesting thing about alcohol and a
                            diabetic, you can actually go low (low
                            blood sugar below 3.5) even though you
                            have eaten enough carbs because yes
                            cotton, all food absorption stops until
                            the alcohol is metabolized. If you are
                            taking insulin, alcohol is not your
                            friend in any amount.

                            Fjlip, yup!

                            Cotton, do you plan on staying in state
                            of ketoacidosis? or just to lose weight
                            briefly and then return to a healthy


                              Trust me, you need to keep your pancreas secreting insulin.

                              You're messing with biochemical pathways that even experts could not explain as concisely as the opinions stated in this column.

                              Be careful to not take everything as the "gospel" truth.


                                Lol,im not in acidosis and losing weight now is only
                                the fourth,yes fourth reason,behind,constant stable
                                energy,mental balance and improved
                                metabolics(which is hard to quantify).

                                I can't say for 100% certain what i will do in the
                                future,probably experiment with slowly increasing the
                                carbs and see what happens,the thought of eating a
                                big mac makes me want to puke but i sure would like
                                toast with my eggs,lol.


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