Given the saturated fat and protein
content of a big mac, according to your
'experts', its the ideal food for you.
Second only to the Burger King Double
Whopper which contains an astounding 15
servings of greasy, artery clogging
saturated fat. Its perfect!
The production of glucagons is produced
in response to a blood glucose deficit.
Like me running when i run out of sugar.
The body responds to the presence of
glucagons by encouraging fatty acid
oxidation. (What you are doing by no
carb diet) Through this process, energy
compounds are produced. Acetyl CoA, a
by-product of fatty acid oxidation, is
converted to ketone groups
(acetoacetate, acetone, and beta-
hydroxybutyrate), which are an energy
source. Keeps me running and my brain
kind of working!
However, while in this state i am
acidodic and producing ketones but only
till i eat, which is right away. you
can't throw ketones and not be acidodic.
Acidity is a result of this process
lowering from your pH down to the 7.2
range. Is it dangerous, not in the short
term, but long term, yes.
Take at least 3000 mg calcium daily and
drink lots and lots of water Cotton.
Keep your ketone levels below 7 mmol
(pee on a stick available at any drug
store to confirm) and test your blood
sugar. Like life, everything in balance.
content of a big mac, according to your
'experts', its the ideal food for you.
Second only to the Burger King Double
Whopper which contains an astounding 15
servings of greasy, artery clogging
saturated fat. Its perfect!
The production of glucagons is produced
in response to a blood glucose deficit.
Like me running when i run out of sugar.
The body responds to the presence of
glucagons by encouraging fatty acid
oxidation. (What you are doing by no
carb diet) Through this process, energy
compounds are produced. Acetyl CoA, a
by-product of fatty acid oxidation, is
converted to ketone groups
(acetoacetate, acetone, and beta-
hydroxybutyrate), which are an energy
source. Keeps me running and my brain
kind of working!
However, while in this state i am
acidodic and producing ketones but only
till i eat, which is right away. you
can't throw ketones and not be acidodic.
Acidity is a result of this process
lowering from your pH down to the 7.2
range. Is it dangerous, not in the short
term, but long term, yes.
Take at least 3000 mg calcium daily and
drink lots and lots of water Cotton.
Keep your ketone levels below 7 mmol
(pee on a stick available at any drug
store to confirm) and test your blood
sugar. Like life, everything in balance.