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    Anyone on here been following the war in Syria?

    I am figuring Assad has 3 of 4 weeks before he
    loses control. With him losing control of a pipeline
    that supplies the electricity generators. The closed
    main airport and fighting now in the last regime

    Surprising how no countries stepped in to get
    involved directly.

    No need to get involved. A good bloody civil war makes for a better country in the long haul. Something our past is sadly lacking.

    Hopefully the resistance can kill all the Syrian politicians before they flee or think they need a trial. Gaddafi and Hussein got the treatment they deserved. Mubarak got lucky. Assad needs a long, drawn-out tormentous death. And once he is gone, send spies after his wife and eliminate her as well.


      Geeee 15444 stop beating around the bush and
      say how you really feel lol

      Ya 2012 was not a good year for the worlds

      Sounds like Iran is going to be soon rid of It's
      president peacefully. North Korea's new president
      sounds like he wants to improve the quality of life
      of his people. The USA is going to start really
      taxing its rich. There is some good going on in the
      world for a change.


        Your quite optimistic aren't you?


          I agree Assad's days are numbered. Then the real civil war can begin between all the wannabes, like the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Quida!
          I'm not so sure about the American "tax the rich" scheme? I suspect a lot of rich Americans will be planning their escape strategy! The increase in the inheritance taxes are going to destroy a lot of family farms and businesses.


            Well the USA likes their military and their farm
            subsidies, time to stop charging the bill.



              That's the sad part, if you are a farmer you can't pick up your assets and move it to a tax haven country.

              The PaulMartins of the world move their businesses to more favourable tax countries.

              Then the bastards consult to the goverments they just left.


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