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    Any a yous in the nose, know anything
    aboot this new clusteracrap comin down
    the Feds Angrishoot? Cracker RITZ maid
    a big wig announcement, while hiding out
    in Saskabush somewheres, butt sketchy on
    details, plans etc. This must be the
    Angri Going Backwards 2 parta the plan.
    Bet R & D'll be a big parta the
    Angriplan. In other words, nothing in
    it fer framers except a buncha BS
    paperwork, apps, record keepin, computin
    programs fer Angriaccounts ta play
    wit!!! Whatcha all thinkn, am I right
    er am I write????

    You are right nothing but BS extra work for farmers and the politicians will just about kill themselves patting each other on the back. They hood winked those dumb farmers again, boy are they ever dumb. Now what can we pull over on them next, maybe that all that extra paper work will actually benefit the individuals.


      Canadians are about 2.5 years away from
      the next election, no need for the
      government appease anyone. They will do
      what they want anyway. All in the name
      of fiscal responsibility. They would
      rather pay farmers to install GPS than
      provide a meaningful safety net, not
      lucrative, just something there to help
      in case of disasters beyond our control.
      I wonder how many farms have healthy
      AgStability margins that are now
      worthless, they know, and if a wide
      scale disaster hit the program might
      have to actually pay and cost the
      treasury too much. I guess everyone
      needs to tighten the belt and do with
      less. As long as everyone is treated


        Traditional Comedian framing has always, framed
        the gobermont, fer 1/3 a income, crap insurance
        fer 1/3 income and the land and weather itself fer
        1/3. Guess the nyophite conservative gobermont is
        tryin ta renig on its share. WELL I SAY, f--k the
        conservatives, Ipm gonna renig on my framer share
        of votes fer them and their f--ked up political waya
        doin things, tit for tit that is, Heil Harper, nooooooo
        f--k Harper and all his mini minions. Looks like
        hes got an Indian uprisin on his hands at the
        moment. Isn't it AMAZING how it takes the natives
        to put things right for average/below average
        Comedians each and every time!!!!! Omnibus BS
        bills and giant pipeline bullskat....


          anyone got a link to this conservative clusterfk


            them ******* been asking for money long enough. about time they anwer some questions.


              Guess wes shoulda guess that somethin was up
              when the Gag ministers met in YELLOWKNIFE to
              discuss angriculture. Lottsa fn framin goin on in
              YELLOWKNIFE, sos undoubtadly they was
              surrounded by local framers clamouring fer more
              handouts! Going backwards 2 coulded be thunk
              up, implemented without pesky framers being
              anywhere nearby. Brilliant absolutely brilliant. To
              bad that local natives hadn't known what was goin
              on, then they coulda save Comedian Angriculture,
              by waving an eagle feather at Ritz to scare the
              crappola out the little turd......


                LOL...Burbert you are priceless...I think I'll start a collection of your stuff to read for a rainy day...better than RX mood elevators.


                  Has anyone considered using any private
                  companies for insurance? I have seen
                  advertising for 1 or 2 companies but don't know
                  about the premium details, etc.


                    I can only guess this is what they are referring too:




                      I thought you butchered it real thin when you called it "agrivulture" a while back.

                      That is reasonable true, and was a funny cut up on the situation that I still chuckle over.

                      Take care.


                        Yep...more money for the AGRICULTURINAL INDUSTRY. That's where the corporations who live off of the farmer get loans and GRANTS from the Feds to help them rip the farmers off even more than they do now. More research money, more innovation...more BS but no more direct money to producers who bring forth the raw materials. Iffen it keeps the votes and support comin' in then it is money well spent...politics at its best.


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