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Will the Attawapiskat audit wake up the Media Party?

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    Will the Attawapiskat audit wake up the Media Party?

    http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid868989705001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAybGjzqk~,6NfTc6c2 41GVQxOh-GBHNHu5Cuhlf-y9&bctid=1741805410001


    http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid868989705001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAybGjzqk~,6NfTc6c2 41GVQxOh-GBHNHu5Cuhlf-y9&bclid=0&bctid=2080090088001


    The Liberals of the world think it cute to plaster PM
    Harper with untrue and rude persecution. At times Sun
    is too far the other way... as often is the case... balance
    is tough to find.

    Spence has done her trick... or Linkletter... whatever...
    She is pointing out a side of the negotiations for
    change... change is not easily accepted. NOT
    unexpected result of change. Hope the average person
    on the ground has a better life after than before!



      When will the media get the facts that these indians are mostly a lazy unemployed welfare population. They have all the rights of the white man and then a whole bunch more . They have the access to free post secondary education with free living allowances.The leaders as Spence suck up as much as she can to supply herself and friends with a lavish lifestyle. I wonder where in the treaties this was all written.They should check out her teepee for empty fast food containers as she looks like she is gaining weight...


        As lardy as Spence is, it's going to take a long time before she has any chance of croaking. Sure wish Harper would have left it alone. Really keen to see how solid her resolve is to kill herself.

        Can only wish they would tear up the treaties and make everyone equal. Of course it would probably start a civil war, which would be all right with me. Give us a chance to finish the Indians off and drive the French into the sea. This bullshit idea of compromise in this country is the reason we have all these problems.


          15444 how ignorant can you get?

          You can disagree with #idlenomore without
          advocating genocide.

          Dick head


            Even when the facts are placed in front of the "Legacy Media", shown by one of the most reputable auditars in Canada that 5, 6 and 7 figure, yes, over 7 figures, were withdrawn from Attawapiskat, and have NO STATED vendor or STATED purpose, the "Legacy Media" is still determaned to stand with the chief and not question her about where the money went and why it wasn't used to help the poor on the rez. The media went there last year, they saw the poverty and still aren't concerned where the money went or why it only seems to be helping some and not all, to a greater degree. Also, I don't believe the media has asked the chief, during her so called hunger strike, "Why does her boyfriend makes $850.00/day! and who decided that was an appropriate amount.


              gustgd, it is a known tactic of the left , to go on websites and comment, posing as a right winger. The more extreme the better, as others on the left will use those posted comments against conservatives, branding all conservatives as radical and extreme. The "media" also are happy to use the posers comments against conservatives.
              15444 seems to be a poser to me, has he ever posted anything else? Loser indeed!


                15444: I think you crossed the line.

                This mess isn't going to be corrected in
                a few short years. It was created over
                decades and will take a while to fix.
                But I think things are getting better.
                Who wants to live the way some of them
                do? What we need is a generation or two
                of self sufficient prosperous natives to
                turn the tide and don't expect it to
                happen overnight. I agree they have
                some good opportunities if they decide
                to take advantage of them but we don't
                have to hate them for it. If Europeans
                wouldn't have come here their lifestyle
                in all likely hood wouldn't be any
                different than that of before our
                arrival. In the grand scheme of things
                we haven't been here that long!!
                Although, I do understand peoples
                frustration of the corruption and waste.
                If they can't manage their own affairs
                maybe someone else should.


                  boarderbloke, not a poser and am a regular poster on the Beef Production forum. Just happen to browse the other sections and comment on threads that catch my interest.

                  Not left wing at all. Try right wing. Left wing nuts would give a blank check to Indians any time of the day and think themselves as saints.

                  Big difference from most online commentators is that my online comments are a mirror reflection of my comments to anyone in the real world. What I say here is the same thing I would say to someone at any public gathering. Might not like them, but I damn sure speak my mind when others cower in the corner. When you do that, you'd be surprised how many actually agree with you but never could bring themselves to say it.


                    Not real sure whitch side I an on. Trere is a lot of things wrong with the indian act in my opinion but Who made it up I think most likely the gov.
                    Any one who has had any thing to do with gov programs should know there is no such thing as black and white.


                      It is all about I am entitled to my entitlements and I am going to fight hard to keep them. politicins welfare people lawyers all the same attitude. I believe we have to find a way to make native canadians prospeous people on their own accord. work hard and quit their whining


                        15444,,,,,,,do you stand by your statement quoted as follows,

                        "Give us a chance to finish the Indians off and drive the French into the sea."

                        If so, I think you'll discover that few here will find it worthy to have a conversation with you.

                        you say,,,,"What I say here is the same thing I would say to someone at any public gathering. Might not like them, but I damn sure speak my mind when others cower in the corner. When you do that, you'd be surprised how many actually agree with you but never could bring themselves to say it."

                        They "actually agree with you" because they want to do business with you, or are related to you, or don't want to cause a ruckus in the community as it's easier and quicker to appease you than waste time challenging you. Unfortunantely you think they agree with you in your desires to "finish the Indians off and drive the French into the sea."


                          15444, Sure you kind of crossed the line
                          there, but you are entitled to speak
                          your mind. A word of warning, in todays
                          age, be careful what you say on an
                          internet forum. Amazingly, I have had
                          phone calls from police over a comment I
                          made on an internet forum. Totally

                          I do not agree with the others who got
                          all defensive, I believe you were not
                          calling for genocide, but showing what
                          could have very well happened during the
                          original settlement of this country. Had
                          the settlement of this country taken
                          place a few years earlier, it would have
                          been a different outcome. I think the
                          indians should be grateful this never
                          happened, I think we all should.

                          But the indian act needs to be scrapped,
                          it is not working. Indians need to be
                          citizens of this nation, contributing
                          citizens. I agree they are, at least up
                          north and on the prairies a lazy bunch
                          generally, and no not all. The treaties
                          they are fighting to keep made them this

                          One more thing though. They always speak
                          of their proud and great culture. I have
                          read several explorer books about what
                          they came across when they crossed the
                          prairies. They found a wild, starving,
                          and desperate bunch of inidans. There
                          was no proud culture among natives on
                          the prairies, it was death, war, and
                          mayhem. I am most upset our history
                          books have been re -written to make it
                          look as though they were a proud and
                          dignified culture. That is sure not what
                          Palliser found on his expedition. He
                          saved many natives by sharing his
                          provisions with them. They were in a
                          constant state of near starvation,
                          wandering aimlessly.

                          We need to kill the indian act, get
                          these folks working, get them some pride
                          in ownership, dignity, and show them
                          they can contribute, not be a drain.

                          I had a native crew tin my barn. The
                          business owner was embarrassed by his
                          kin. He worked hard, did an excellent
                          job, and went to Hawaii for a holiday!
                          Seemed so funny to me. An indian going
                          to Hawaii! lol I was so tickled by this,
                          and I will get him again. He had pride,
                          he had money, he has a business with no
                          end of work. We need more like him. What
                          a great guy to work with!



                            I stand by the statement. I am not looking for somebody to come out in support of my comments, I am not that egotistical.

                            But if your thinking that major changes can be made in regards to the status of Indians, without dramatic consequences, you must live in the land of rainbows and sunshine.

                            You think others agree with me in an attempt at appeasement? Then you obviously must surround yourself with very meek and mild people. I know of many others locally that I have talked to regarding this issue that recommend much more immediate, dramatic tactics. But if they don't feel comfortable with the people they are talking to, they won't reveal their true feelings.

                            I can only guess you live in isolation from the daily BS that is shoveled around by these people. From my conversations with Indians over the years(I live near many reserves)I know for a fact that 'budgeting' and 'accountability' are not in their vocabulary.

                            Freewheat, I don't live in fear from police inquiries into my thoughts on the state. For them to act to suppress my freedom to state my mind, would be a declaration of war to me and I have no problem with going to war with the state. Police are living, breathing people and very rarely do they wish to provoke others. They can try to poke and prod over the phone, but that's as far as it goes. I know quite a few cops, and their ultimate hope each day is to survive and get home to their families at the end of the day. One sargent for a local community told be it's unreal how much crap is forwarded their way from up top to deal with on a local level. Majority of it gets stuffed away because they know they have to live in the community they serve in. They don't want to be watching their back at every turn.


                              WHAT A BUNCH OF IGNORANT RED NECK,
                              FRAMING HONKIES, yappin a usual bout
                              something that they have absolutely no
                              knowledge of whatsoever. This is
                              exactly why Comedian framing is such a
                              low life, scum sucking occupation,
                              cousin of attitudes like this.
                              It was the Indians that kept this
                              country Comedian from falling into an
                              abyss, wavin an eagle feather, remember
                              the almighty Meech Lake accordian that
                              Bulroney was playin, while sucking up ta
                              the Frencheese????? The world was gonna
                              end then too, except for the good work
                              of a native Senator..... We owe our
                              native population a lot.
                              F'k Harper and each and every one of his


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