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Will the Attawapiskat audit wake up the Media Party?

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    IMO there will always be a problem until the
    Indian Act is scrapped. These people need to
    have private land/house ownership.....else we will
    see more of the same. Throwing billions more $
    at the problem won't make a difference.....the
    chiefs and friends will continue to scam the
    common folk.


      Most of our first nations people are good, proud and respectable Canadians.
      The whole problem is there are always a few bad apples in every ethnic group, making it bad for everyone else in that particular group.
      The problem is pure and simple ... Government must bypass these band councils and get the money directly into the hands of the people.
      Let the first nations people decide with their own pocket books/votes as to what these chiefs and band councils are worth within their own communities.


        As long as the grass grows and the rivers flow....? That was the deal.


          I am glad the government exposed the
          corruption though. The Band Leaders are
          victimizing their own people. Tonight I
          heard the hunger striker may not meet with
          government. Ashamed are we????


            Oh boy here goes:
            Civil wars with a conclusion have a
            resolving outcome. Perhaps 15444 was
            being figurative?
            At any rate, I believe our method of
            creating "distinct societies" within an
            undivided nation counterproductive. In
            Abe Lincolns words "a house divided
            against itself cannot stand". A
            conclusion resulted by 1865.
            Why can't there be one identity;
            Canadian? Our desire to be moderate in
            less moderate times, has led us to an
            untenable situation today.
            A relatively painless solution would
            be to overhaul the transfer payment
            system to stop subsidizing Quebec's
            right to be a spoiled child.
            I would also deed the First Nations
            peoples' land to them. Give all natives
            title to their property as individuals,
            and burn all the treaties. Making them
            equal Canadians.
            Equal to over time, manage their own
            assets as they see fit. We already have
            corrupt fiefdoms, they might as well be
            subject to the same laws as the rest of
            Any one else have a better idea??


              The best native is one that is working, usually off the reserve, on his or her own merits. You will find they enjoy life as part as society like the rest of us.

              And if you think people on this forum have red neck opinions about natives - meet a native integrated into society and ask his opinions about reserve indians. Trust me - our opinions are mild.

              We did natives a real disservice putting them on reserves. If they had been integrated into society the way the immigrants like the Ukranians and germans did, society as a whole would be better off.

              The ukranians and germans never lost their culture, they shared it with Canadians as a gift, not something to be blackmailed with.


                gustgd.. obviously you have some thoughts and ideas on this dicussion care to share??? other than just slagging...


                  Whats going to happen to our welfare system now that they are going to give First Nations status to the 600,000 Metis in Canada. Now its going to be a financial windfall for everyone, except those tax payers that are going to have to pay for all the benefits.


                    The metis thing - just another french **** up. Pun intended.


                      Actually in Manitoba, it might even include Scottish ancestors, from the HBC, and Selkirk settlers lineage.

                      Hold crock of *?$#S if you ask me. Going to give everyone hunting rights, education, health rights that the tax paying Canadians have to pay for.


                        I agree with 15444, the last history lesson I had was that we won the wars with against the french and the indians.

                        We as canadians came out as losers, years later.

                        Sure its not pretty but its happened in every area of the world and is still going on today. The natives signed treaties, they can't continue to be renegotiated every ****ing time the natives come to Ottawa with some new tobacco for the Prime Minister to wave into his face.

                        Cut the cord with this welfare for the french and the natives and let some of those educated natives do something with the resources they have had given to them instead of crying "woe is me" for the 1000th time.

                        Someone in the last 100 years, on behalf of the natives, had to be sober enough to actually read what they were signing.


                          Funny thing how you can always rely on the us
                          constitution for an answer.

                          Leave me alone,ill leave you alone,i dont care
                          who or what you are or what you do as long as
                          you dont victimize anyone your fine,but if you put
                          a tax on my ass to support your shit ill hoist the
                          black flag and paint the liberty tree red


                            Some wounds can only heal themselves. Here goes
                            my story.
                            Several years ago the City of Regina was over run
                            with pigeons. They were pooping over everything -
                            cars, houses, statues and especially city hall. So
                            council set up a $10,000 reward for anyone who
                            could get rid of the pigeons. One day a guy walks
                            into the Mayor's office and proclaims he can get rid
                            of the pigeons for $10,000 but warns the Mayor
                            that if he or anyone else asks a single question it
                            will cost $1,000,000. The Mayor agrees. The next
                            day buddy shows up at City Hall with a bird cage
                            and in it is a blue pigeon. He releases the bird and
                            it begins to fly around the City. Soon thousands of
                            pigeons are flocking up and following the blue
                            pigeon and when every last one is in the air the blue
                            one flies away with the rest in pursuit. The next day
                            there is not one pigeon left in Regina and buddy
                            shows up at the Mayor's office to collect his money.
                            The Mayor says "Well done, here is your check".
                            Buddy looks at it and shouts "but this is for one
                            million dollars and you didn't even ask a question".
                            The Mayor says "I know, but I do have a question.
                            You wouldn't happen to have a blue Indian, would
                            Before anyone craps in my corn flakes, this joke was
                            told to me by Mike Cardinal, a Cree from Northern
                            Alberta who was an MLA and member of Ralph
                            Klein's cabinet.



                              I was being literal as the day is light.

                              This country can never be completely, 'Canadian'. We have three guaranteed nations under one roof and the end result of trying to dissolve them into one will either be civil war (for the good of the country), or the breakup and sell off of provinces as they go bankrupt --- which will eventually happen within the next 50 years anyways. (Huge boomer population to look after, Indians AND METIS to pay for and a welfare class that will explode now that EI is no longer an option for many). Side note: It is unreal how many seasonal workers I have been talking to that say welfare is the obvious choice if EI won't look after them.

                              Really my preferred result is to see the Indian problems to be resolved through massive, generation-destroying payouts, (lets say 200 billion) have the entire country go bankrupt and be bought up for pennies on the dollar by the US within 20 years. But with my luck and the state of the US, the buyer would more likely be China. Even then I would love to see these pricks demanding everything under the sun from a country that could give shit less.

                              But you know what? Go ahead. Compromise. That seems to give every Liberal in this country a nice warm feeling as their fleecing your pockets for taxes.


                                15444; My proposal would hardly be
                                construed as liberal or a compromise.
                                And it will never happen with the system
                                we have in place.
                                I agree, this shit is fubar. This
                                country will look very different in 50
                                years thats for sure. I wonder what the
                                long term policy strategists see?
                                I'm starting to see one big frickin
                                theme park. Chinese and natives driving
                                Beemers, Mexicans doing the work,
                                'european canadians' as the carnies.
                                Built in guilty conscience as
                                perpetrators of a 'holocaust'. Tour
                                guides for the tourists at a nation full
                                of protected areas and heritage sites.
                                Casinos and trinkets. And you can bet
                                your last dollar with the queen on it
                                they'll write their own version of
                                history too.
                                To hell with it. And don't call me a
                                liberal and I wont call you a _ _ _ _ _
                                _ _.


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