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Brandon AG Days! A real farm Show!

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    Brandon AG Days! A real farm Show!

    Next week is Brandon Ag days.
    No pay parking and entrance like Regina.
    No entrance fee like saskatoon.
    Just a fun time in Brandon Manitoba.
    Starts Jan 15 and runs to the 17.
    Hope to run into some of you their.
    Saskatoon was Ok yesterday!

    What did you learn in Saskatoon yesterday?


      funny you ask.
      1. Some from your University Days turned out to have awsome lives and are realy enjoying farming. Some are still the Assholes they were back then.
      2. Saskatoon must have the slowest road builder in Canada hired to do the new road.
      3. My old house has a nice uplift done to it.
      4. Family members are leaving us every year.
      5. Life is to short to worry about small shit. But it is fun to twist the knife.

      Oh you wanted what I learned about farming.
      Lots of talk by every one you meet how land values are insane.
      Lots of talk by every one on how rents are insane.
      How chem fert and advisors all want you to pump every single dollar into every crop so you as a farmer can break even.
      How some companies change employees like I change my underwear.
      How saskatoon is improving as far as a show.


        The 2012 show had lots of reps from various malt companies who were all going to buy our off grade barley that wasn,t quite good enough for malt, but was better than feed. Didn't see any of them there this year.


          Gag shows are for *****s! Fk
          angribusiness, givin away pens, fridge
          magnets, smilin at framers and callin them


            Yes, agdays is a better show, twice as far as
            Saskatoon but a better road trip


              What do you think makes it a better show? We go
              to stool every year but haven't been to Brandon I
              8 or 10 years.

              I don't like the free admission because then
              everyone shows up, including everyone who
              doesn't farm making it to crowded to see anything.


                Stoon not stool stupid iPad


                  Its Not To Crowded, Less Yous Rubbin Elbows With The Heavys!!!!!!!!!!!!


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