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come on canola buyers....

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    come on canola buyers....

    First company to $14/bu. local price (not hauled 2
    or 3 hours to crushers) gets to keep there plants
    going till new crop. The rest of you will have the
    summer off.

    Do I hear $15?????


      Just curious if you have a grain pricing order in? Listened to today's call of the land and $14 was mentioned. You need a $35 over basis to it. What is your time frame to accomplish this? Another month? 6 months? What are your expectations on soybean oil? I note we have $582/tonne canola futures and 50 cent/lb soyoil futures.


        Comments on the inverse in futures prices? Comments on strong basis? What do you do in an inverted market and strong basis?


          Grain pricing order= farmer giving grain company free call option. I have never and will never do that.

          Watch the markets and negotiate with the buyers.


            You are right. A GPO does give you the opportunity to capture a price in volatile inter-day trading. It also gives the grain company a target to work towards a favorable basis that will result in a sale.

            Even if a farmer doesn't have a GPO, they should a target price for a portion of the their they want to sell over the next 2 to 3 months. I have no problem with $14/bu although my target would be a few cents less. Recent price action would have me nervous, however.

            Final comment is risk reward. Prices Alberta $13.25/bu with shopping getting closer to $13.50. 50 to 75 cents/bu below the target. So if the reward is somewhere in this area, what is the downside in the current market?


              HEREEEEE, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, HEREEEEE, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy, Fishy..................


                Didn't canola already reach $14.00/bushel
                delivered price, in October for about 2 weeks?

                What was wrong with selling at $14.00/bushel
                then, as opposed to now?
                I'm not trying to give anybody a hard time. I am
                trying it learn marketing psychology.
                Was there a canola marketing plan before
                October? Maybe $14.00/bushel was not enough.
                15 bu/ca $14.00= $210.00. Not quite enough to
                cover $250/acre cost of production?
                Just trying to get a better understanding.


                  Reason is, Theys wanted $20 before and Shoulda Got it Too, Now Theys Starting To Realize These Markets are F#ckin Bullshit and are Rigged. Would be Happier than a Pig in Shit to get $14 now, My Guess...............


                    Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda, sold fer $14.00
                    per bushel! Nope gonna hold out fer
                    more, need, greed at play, the market
                    loves it..... F-k $14.00 per bushel,
                    thats twice whatya make normally wit
                    canolie. Rather babysit the shit than
                    sell it, and dream about getting rich,
                    rich and richer. Comedian framers are
                    famous fer lockin the bin doors, holding
                    out fer more, then sellin cheap cause ya
                    gotta get ridda it. Sell it or smell it


                      Thzts right I didn't sell enough at 14, 14.50s never
                      hit. We're all not as smart as you guys, lol. Call me
                      weak for leaving my options open for something
                      more. Must be nice to distance yourselves from
                      your occupation like it ain't no big deal. Wait a
                      minute maybe it isn't a big deal for you high rollers
                      always making the right decisions. Or maybe you
                      have a needless vested interest in the first
                      place.That would make decision making very easy.


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