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Obama and guns in the usa.

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    I wonder if the majority of those 900 gun deaths took place in Chicago? Remember Illinois does have restrictions on guns already.


      (THE MAN'S A GENIUS!!!)

      Everyone concentrates on the problems we're having in Our Country lately: Illegal immigration, hurricane recovery, alligators attacking people in Florida ... Not me -- I concentrate on solutions for the problems -- it's a win-win situation. Dig a moat the length of the Mexican border. Send the dirt to New Orleans to raise the level of the levees. Put the Florida alligators in the moat along the Mexican border.
      Any other problems you would like for me to solve today?
      Think about this:
      1. Cows
      2. The Constitution
      3. The Ten Commandments
      Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
      They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq . Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we're not using it anymore.
      The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: you cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal' 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery' and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians, it creates a hostile work environment.
      Also, think about this..... if you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!
      GET 'ER DONE


        I'm just grateful Chuckchuck can no longer apply his
        world view and politics to my grain. Sounds like he
        understands the USA as well as he did our industry.


          I find it sad how many people live in fear.

          I'm waiting for someone to finally come up with the idea of wearing bullet proof vests and helmets while packing heat. Having a gun to protect yourself will do nothing if you're not the one to get off the first shot. I have a gut feeling kevlar vests will become part of the school attire. Just like in movie theatres, when you get handed a pair of 3D glasses, you also receive a Kevlar vest and helmet. Enjoy the show.


            Its probably a fact that almost very human's mind is all but closed to any input except what confirms that which they already "know".
            You may have travelled the world; but did you learn anything new? Did those travellers just attempt to impose their values in someone else's country.
            The residents of the United States have the right to determine the destiny of their own country; and their minds are no more open to that which does not confirm what they "know" .....than any outsider spouting off what they "know".


              They have the right to kill each other as fast as possible.


                yes they do


                  Isn't that the first amendment right?


                    I believe it is the second ammendment


                      The good thing is many Americans are fed up with the status quo. It is okay to say that it is up to Americans to decide their own fate but we all know that big money is the political force in the US not the average guy on the street. They have a dis-functional and corrupt system. It doesn't often matter who is elected because they all run into the same well monied lobbying machines that buy their votes through lavish campaign support. The NRA is all about making sure lots of guns are sold. By many measures the US quality of life is low for many of its' citizens, lots of poverty, poor education, poor health care coverage, and a violent society that believe guns = freedom!


                        So, in a society as you have just described, no need to
                        be able to protect your family, the government will do
                        it for you.


                          To kill each other, first ammendment.


                            Some USA stats.


                            All injury deaths
                            •Number of deaths: 180,811
                            •Deaths per 100,000 population: 58.6

                            Motor vehicle traffic deaths
                            •Number of deaths: 33,687
                            •Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.9

                            All poisoning deaths
                            •Number of deaths: 42,917
                            •Deaths per 100,000 population: 13.9

                            All firearm deaths
                            •Number of deaths: 31,672
                            •Deaths per 100,000 population: 10.3

                            On top of that more than half of all the gun deaths are suicide. Not saying its acceptable just some facts.


                              According to these statistics if everyone just so happens to live to 80 years of age then 4.7 percent of everyone you know will die from an injury death of some sort.

                              Canadas gun death per one hundred thousand persons is 3.8.
                              In American it is 10.3

                              In Canada Over the past 25 years, there have been an average of 1,300 firearms deaths per year. Of the 1,125 firearm deaths in 1995, about 80.1 percent or 911 were classified as suicides; there were 145 homicides, representing 12.4 percent; and 49 unintentional deaths, for 4.3 percent of the total (Hung, 1997). These percentages have remained relatively stable over the past decade.


                                The USA has created a love for guns..Was reading a Bismarck ND paper and came across an ad that said..Buy a combine and recieve a Free GUN..Then when at the Walmart in Bismark watched a family picking out a gun for 10 year as he held it to see which one he could handle... It will take a few generations to dilute that kind of Red Neck mentality.


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