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Canola crusher Renting thousands of acres north. Of valley in Saskatchewan!

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    Lots of good points made here.

    If LD can afford to pay rent(and I
    wonder what it is) and have the crop
    "custom" farmed so they can supply
    themselves with product good for them.
    To me it shows how profitable farming is
    now, but when margins get razor thin
    again, and they will, LD will get out as
    fast as they got in. Would it be fair
    to say that producing the crop will be
    the riskiest part of this vertical
    integration approach they are taking?
    When it gets too risky they will pass it
    on to someone else and guess who that
    will be!!!

    I wouldn't be as concerned about LD
    farming the land as who owns it!


      Isn't the whole point of vertical
      integration absorbing the less profitable
      steps with the profitable but ensuring a
      consistent supply chain?

      It would seem it does not matter if
      production of canola isn't profitable and
      technically they could put you out of
      business (farmers) as the rest of the
      chain makes up the profits.


        wd9: to me it would be capturing all
        the profitable steps and leaving the
        high risk low margin to others. BTO
        made a good point, how many acres would
        LD have to farm to "secure" a supply of
        canola for their crush. I don't know
        how many they have now but am assuming
        it would be equivalent to a piss in the
        ocean compared to what they need.

        Are they going to follow an sound
        agronomic rotation?

        I am not threatened by them farming a
        few acres, as I said I am more
        concerned about who owns the land.
        Serfdom to some.

        And I don't begrudge those who custom
        farm, they are only providing a service.


          Farmholic its one of the reservations and also a group of east Indians (New Canadians) from Vancouver.
          Their was a large land rental by the same group south of melville.
          Wondering if they are moving that operation West to get to way better land.


            Sask3: Can you estimate how many acres
            they're farming. Maybe I shouldn't have
            said I am not threatened by them since
            they aren't on my doorstep. But I guess
            it all depends what mode your in:
            expanding, holding or downsizing!!


              not sure of the exact acreage! But it is funny how New purchasers want to not use the locals who grew up and farmed in the area.
              Some land that I had rented with a agreement for sale but didnt buy has just been rented by a guy 50 miles away. I wasnt even given a chance to rent what I use to farm. The other renter wasnt offered rental arrangemet either.
              What they got from the guy 50 miles away is less than they would have got locally.
              One note the guy 50 miles away has been here before and left a million plus debt.
              They will learn. oh well thats farming


                Good for them. I mean who cares? Farming
                is so far gone anyway. If my dad were
                here, he would hardly recognize it
                anymore. The mad land rush by almost
                every farmer these days is consuming
                their very souls.

                It is all about the land, the "stuff".
                Everyone is after more "stuff". What a
                pathetic society we have become.

                It is all consuming. It never used to be
                this way. All everyone talks about is
                getting more land, more land.

                Is anyone content to simply do better
                with what they have? I guess that is why
                I simply don't care if a grain company
                is farming some land. I am not greedily
                trying to get more, more, more.

                Contentedness is an elusive animal. Now,
                I am not saying if land close by came up
                for sale, and I could swing it, I would
                not bid on it, not at all, but this
                panic is telling.

                It seems as time goes on, year after
                year, the greed gets worse, more
                intense. I have yet to meet one of these
                farmers who are of the more mindset,
                take a deep breath, relax, and say I
                have enough. Why is it so hard to say I
                have enough? What is it all for? Our
                casket, our urn? To show that more acres
                constitutes some kind of importance,
                status, or what?

                If more guys would buck the trend, be
                content, we wouldn't be in this mess,
                because we would still have a rural
                population worthwhile preserving. As it
                is, everyone wants to have 10 000 acres
                or at least 5, under the fake idea you
                need that much to make a living. It is
                the only way they can justify it. And
                then these same land hungry guys get all
                twisted up when someone moves into their
                area and rents some land.

                See, their plans are disturbed, the land
                they had eyes for is now in jeopardy.
                That is why they are so upset.

                It is because all that matters to them
                is MORE LAND.

                End rant. Just so sick of the drama in
                the countryside. The lack of content
                souls. The greedy nature of farming


                  freewheat, 1


                    Freewheat: Maybe if more kids would
                    have stayed on the farm and not been
                    discouraged by negativity and two
                    decades of tough times where there
                    seemed to be no hope of making a decent
                    living comparable to everyone else and
                    government policy of ownership rules
                    which kept land prices artificially low,
                    there wouldn't be this feeding frenzy we
                    are experiencing now. There was money
                    to be made speculating on comparatively
                    cheap Sask farmland. And money to be
                    made farming the land.


                      Well said Freewheat, I AM CONTENT, I have enough.
                      Quote in the Furrow "He has the most who is content with the least"

                      Some need to tame their inner greed, the desire to leave a legacy.

                      Once read that the more stuff/land you have the more important you are, therefore more likely to live longer.

                      Another take on too big to fail or too big to die. Good Luck guys.


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